MovieChat Forums > End of Days (1999) Discussion > Gabrial was such a turn on for me in thi...

Gabrial was such a turn on for me in this movie, so horny and Feisty !!

Gabrial was a complete dish, if the devil really looked like anything like him, then i would say 'come and get me'!!!!! Such a turn on !! Does anyon else agree or am i alone on this one lol Soooo freakin horny


I think I dated the Devil once, at least she looked like a woman then.


I agree, he was a fox! Especially in the scene with him and the two women in the bed with red covers. :P

"So many pretty parts and no pretty wholes."


AGREED!! He is soooo freakin HoT! Gabriel and Elizabeth Hurley are the hottest devil's ever!! What a couple those two would be, wow!


Wow! It must be a female thing! (I assume the prev posters are female!) I've admired Gabe Byrne since "The Usual Suspects" but thought his role in this movie was awful. He was just going thru the motions.


Aside from your writing style, yes, I do agree: Gabriel Byrne looked really hot, too bad the movie was awful.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


Oh god yes, waaaaaaay more sexy & horny than Al pacino is Devils advocate although the speech about god by Al in Devils advocate is way better than in this
