As Far

as commercial horror flicks go, this was quite decent. Good actors (for a change), some decent eye candy, decent production values ... I don't get why some people prefer Scream over this.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


I prefer scream over this because it has a mix of comedy and horror. and the main character in scream is a lot less annoying than the one in this. She was completely useless throughout the whole movie. In the end I ended up rooting for the hooded figure because she annoyed me so much!


Because Scream was better written, better acted, better directed, had better suspense and kills and was just smarter and wittier. This movie was just stupid with a dumb and too convenient twist.


I also much prefer Urban Legend to Scream. Yes, Scream is cleverly written and was a huge success, reviving the entire slasher genre, but I've always thought as an individual movie it was over-rated.


I don't think it's overrated at all, but even if it was, it's stil a million times better than this dumb excuse for a horror movie that lacks even suspense and properly executed kills.
