Love it

This is one of my comfort movies. I want to get comfy on the couch, eat chocolate and watch it alone, even though I already know how it will end. I like the lead actors, especially Alicia Witt and Rebecca Gayheart, I like the places where it's shot, I like the "who did it?" -surprise and I even like the stupid epilogue: "This is how the story really goes..."

But enough is enough. I've seen it about five times now. Maybe after ten years I will find it entertaining once more?


Alicia Witt and Rebecca Gayheart are great actresses and i love this movie. i watch it once a year. seen it 8 times. hope you keep watching


There's lots to love.

Alicia Witt is a great final girl. Rebecca Gayheart makes for a fine baddie. Jared Leto is GORGEOUS. Any film with well-manicured man in is good. Loretta Devine is a hoot as always. Tara Reid is an epic screamer. I do like the ending. It always makes me smile. And Robert Englund is a great actor. I need to re watch the film.


I love this movie, sorely underrated. Wonderfully atmospheric and a great mystery. 


I've watched this a gazillion times and just talking about it makes me want to watch it again.


The series aren't masterpieces but I enjoyed them. Watched the first two alot when I was a teenager. (Shows hold old I am) Nice cast, decent soundtrack and score, Alicia Witt is pretty wooden here tho. Her acting in some scenes is dire.

~Keep on Trucking!~


I thought this film was a lot of fun. I was especially impressive by the crisp cinematography that took great use of both the widescreen format and a camera crane.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


I've loved this movie since it came out. I still remember how terrified I was seeing it in theaters when I was 10. I begged my brother to let me leave, but he didn't budge and I'm so glad he didn't. In hindsight it's one of the best theater experiences I've ever had.

I too think this is one of my comfort movies. It's super cheesy, but I love every bit of it.


This was such a good movie
