
why is this movie so underrated? the acting is great (with big name stars) and the writing is really strong as well. i think they didn't do a good job advertising and promoting the film. no one really saw it in the theaters, but everyone i have suggested it to likes it a lot.


i don't know, i really liked this movie. each character had their own story which is all brought together at the end. i thought it was great and want to buy it! i don't know why it didn't take off very well, aah well who cares if you like it then it doesn't really matter if it's underrated or not?

time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings - Linkin Park


i agree. i happened to stumble onto this movie on a movie channel, right about when angelina is stumbling around in golden pants...so i was hooked right way. but the more i watch the more i saw how the dialogue is PERFECT! every line is thought out and planned to make sure that even the one liners are meaningful and important to the mood. but sometimes studios decide on the advertising budget of a film before shooting ever begings, so sometimes a really good movie is undercut by the ad budget.


that's very true andrew. the dialogue is amazing. the story has so many different emotions and it's so easy to feel connected to all the characters. one of my favourites.

time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum swings - Linkin Park


I agree.. An amazing and very underrated movie, with many stars and known actors..


Hate to piss on people's parade here, but I thought this flick was a poor attempt at Romantic Dramedy. The writing, plot points and characterizations were cliched and underdeveloped (possibly why it's underrated in your eyes), and Angelina Jolie's performance looked more coaxed than inspired. Furthermore, John Stewart? I was waiting to see his face crack a "what am I doing in this movie" smile at any moment. Again, just my opinion.


There is no "H" in Jon Stewart. Don't usually get so nit-picky, but that man is my idol.



I do remember this film's brief theatrical run. It's not your typical Hollywood blockbuster though. Yes, it has a big name all-star cast, but this not the type of film that filmmakers' target demographic usually goes for...there are no explosions, car crashes, or gratuitous sex and/or violence so a lot of people took a pass on. Personally, I thought this film was worth seeing for the performances of Jon Stewart, Gena Rowlands, Sean Connery, and Ellen Burstyn alone.


I thought it would have gotten Angelina a nomination for a Golden Globe, at least. Ellen as well.


This film is a prime example of a movie looking good on paper but not being a big box office hit (who knows why, it's an amazing film!) I suspect that the promotion and advertising were lacking due to the huge number of A-listers in the cast who (quite rightly) ate up most of the film's budget.

Still, it is a terrible shame that this film isn't more well-known. A lot of people are missing out on a movie that, in the current climate of repetitive, dull-as-ditchwater sequels and graphic novel adaptations, makes for refreshing viewing.



this film is a classic ...that was sadly lost when it was released and a forgettable title didnt help.



angelina who ? she wouldn't be caught dead on the madonna level...give her some more lip injections and some more air in those funbags then because she cannot act...she truly makes me want to barff...good thing was the rest of the cast
