Denzel and Angelina photos

Did they take any publicity photos together? Like for the premiere or something like that? I'm looking for pictures of the two together and I can't find NONE. I need your guyz help.

They are both my favourite actor and I wanted a picture of them together besides that one when "Denzel" is lying on the bed while "Angelina" puts the thing up to his nose and they're staring at eachother.

Help if you can

Please and Thank you

--Queen M--



Yes it is I from Soulies! lol Well I only have two which the two that were taking at the premiere of Bone Collector and I just was seeing if anyone had anymore. All well

"People say you are going the wrong way, when it's simply a way of your own."-Angelina Jolie


You're absolutely correct. I couldn't find any using all my resources. I did however find 4 photos from the premier at Wire Image but non together. Here is a link.


Thanks! Still no luck though

"People say you are going the wrong way, when it's simply a way of your own."-Angelina Jolie


try this one

"The only Abnormality is the incapacity to love"


There are two pictures of Denzel and Angelina at the bottom of the page.
