Edgewood Studios

Has anyone else checked out their website? I can't believe they still make movies! Check out the review for Time Chasers on the website. The movie actually won a film award? What was it up against, Gigli?



They did? LOL!! I didn't even notice, my eyes were glazed over.


According to the new intro for the film (in the MST box set 5), Edgewood Studios handed over Time Chasers to MST because they liked the show, but then became very upset when they saw that MST had made fun of the film. Apparently, despite being "fans" of MST, Edgewood Studios didn't understand that they make FUN of the films they show, not praise them and make them sound good.

Still, it would seem that Edgewood wears this as a badge of honor or something.


I haven't seen the into you're referring to, but I find that hard to believe. There was a very long, detailed interview with David Giancola online (through some Vermont links somewhere) and he and the cast were very aware of the lashings they would go through. In fact, when the episode first aired, and they had no clue how it would be, he had a house party for himself, the crew and cast and required that they "check their egos at the door" because he knew they were in for a real toasting...


Is Mike still making the intros? I don't have this episode so I'm not sure. Mike has said in the past that he often gets mixed-up or forgetful about the films so he might accidentally be thinking about some other studio.


Not only is Edgewood Studios still making movies, but they are considering makine Time Chasers 2.



There was a very long, detailed interview with David Giancola online (through some Vermont links somewhere) and he and the cast were very aware of the lashings they would go through. In fact, when the episode first aired, and they had no clue how it would be, he had a house party for himself, the crew and cast and required that they "check their egos at the door" because he knew they were in for a real toasting...

Very cool of him to do that. The film wasn't too great but the fact that he was even able to write/direct/and produce a feature length movie at eighteen years old is still admirable.

Just found the interview here:


ST: I know I've read about it in other interviews, but I thought I'd ask how the viewing party went that night?

DG: I thought it was hilarious. I had to check my ego really early on, 'cause they attack the credits, where they say, "A David Giancola film is not something you want to see". After that joke about the butt flavored popcorn I said, OK, I better be ready for whatever this is. And I had a good time with it, and most of the cast had a good time with it too ... at least at the party (everyone) pretended to be pretty jovial about it, but some people were not happy. Matt Bruch, who was the lead, (was not there) and he ... was not super happy about it. But he had a pretty good sense of humor. And later I kind of talked him down and said, Look, we got on SciFi Channel. Did you ever think we would get on SciFi Channel? And he said, No, and I said, Well, there! You know, what are you going to do? I had worked with all them on other stuff so I said put it in perspective and nobody got permanently upset, but I think that Bonnie Pritchard was probably the most upset out of everybody.
