MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > Mj was such a horrible soul sucking pers...

Mj was such a horrible soul sucking person

She always needs to be supported, she is a hypocrite, she kiss john and think of spider man, she cannot make her mind up, she is whiney

So this movie is very realistic.


I bet you wonder why you can't get a hot girlfriend like Mary Jane.


It is easy, i just use money.


Normally I'd point out that being fun, or nice to girls, might save you a lot of money.

But I think you're better off going with the money.


You can have a lot to learn friend


Says the guy who can only score by paying a prostitute...


All women like money, not just prostitute. Do you deny this?


All men like money, too!

Funny nobody's ever offered you any.


That is just deflection because you know i am right


You're definitely right that you have to pay. Full credit given there.


Yes many times people pay for sex, buy gifts or expensive meal for woman and they have sex. You are saying that is prostitute.


Your original statement was that it's easy to get a "hot girlfriend" by using money. Now you're talking about buying gifts or expensive dinners as if that is some surefire way to get a girl to sleep with you. In other words, you're talking nonsense and sound like someone with no life experience away from a keyboard.

Here in the real world, it doesn't matter if you buy a woman a meal or give her a gift. If she's interested in you, she'll accept it, if she's not, she won't. The only woman, or man, who will sleep with in exchange for cash is, by definition, a prostitute.


I will respond at bottom of page


Most people, male or female, like money. Women who will sleep with you in exchange for that money are prostitutes.


So if you take woman out first time, buy expensive meal, then you have sex she is prostitute?


In his worldview - YES.


At least she's not a whiney buzzkill, like Pepper Potts from the MCU. I'll give her that much.


But she is a whiney buzzkill, she is awful.


She's flighty and insecure. That's what struck me about MJ from the Rami movies. She wants her dreams all right now but when she doesn't get them, she becomes petulant and indecisive. The character as she portrayed MJ, reminds me a lot of Sookie Stackhouse as played by Anna Paquin. She's a bit of a brat who only sees things as she sees them. "You weren't here for me!", she shouts at Bill in Season 1 of True Blood, when poor Bill was meeting the head vampire to explain why he killed another vampire to save Sookie. What a brat! Same with MJ. Wants what she wants, no matter!


Yes as i say, it is very realistic.


She is whiny and insecure, but she is also an immature teenager who just graduated high school in this film.


So is peter but he is trying to be a good person and also has to be spider man saving the city.


That's true, but he knows that he has great power and with it comes great responsibility.


Well yes but you have to admit it make her action stand out when compare her to peter because he try to be selfless. She had bad upbringing but she is still tertible character. I will list some things that she does in my next post to show this


Yes, I don't disagree that she was a whiny and insecure character.


Well yes we agree she is awful and realistic


@Filmbuff. Yes many women will sleep with men because they buy them things and have lots of money. You deny this?


Many? Doubtful. A very small number of men and women will certainly have sex in exchange for money or items, and the term for those people is prostitutes. Meanwhile, the vast majority of men and women sleep with people they get along with and find attractive, and the vast majority of women won't have sex with someone regardless of how much money or how many dinners or objects they are offered.

To return to the original point, you can't "use money" get a "hot girlfriend like Mary Jane." You can use money to pay a girl, likely an unattractive and trashy one, but maybe even a "hot" one, to have sex with you, but you aren't going to find a real connection with a quality individual using money. Once you grow up a bit, get off the internet and venture out into the real world you'll find what I'm saying to be true.


You are naive and your view of world is like it was in 1950. Women like men with money because that is attractive quality. This is social media world where women love show they have good life to everyone, very vain. So, men with money = attractive quality = girlfriend. Simple.


My view is like 1950? Yours is the old-fashioned, unenlightened view of women as incapable of making money, and instead gravitating towards any man who will pay their way.

Can I ask how old you are? Have you ever dated anyone?

Very, very few women will date a man, much less enter into a relationship with him, simply because he has money. There certainly are some people who are willing to accept a relationship with someone they aren't attracted to in exchange for money, but in the vast majority of cases, if a woman isn't into you, having money won't make the slightest difference in the world. And the tiny number of women who WILL date a man simply for money are not "hot girlfriends" by any stretch. By and large they'll be unattractive, unintelligent, uneducated, and lacking in self-esteem and initiative. But if that's YOUR definition of hot, by all means go pay for a girlfriend and report back and tell us how great it is.


If you have expensive car, instant many women are attract to you and start look at you. What you say is dream world thinking. You say small number of women? Many many v beautiful women want man with money to look after them.


LOL like I said, wait until you are out in the real world. What you are describing is fantasyland.


You know how many women in world? How many maybe some billions. So ther are billions women, but you think there are not many who like man with money. What you say is not logic.


Let's just agree to disagree. I hope you find a quality woman through payment. I'll continue to rely on personality and wit. When you find "the one" we'll go on a double date. :)


Yes good luck finding a woman who doesnt need money also


I didn't like her that much either. The Mary Jane from the comics is better and we'll apparently never see her on film because Marvel Studios doesn't seem to want their Spider-Man Supporting cast to be like the comics.


I’ve never read the comics but I have a question about it. Does Michelle Jones exist in the Comics or Marvel studios created her for Zendaya and could get their way with having a different looking MJ ?


She does but she is from the era right after Peter made a deal with a demon from Hell to erase his marriage with Mary Jane from existence to bring his Aunt May back from the dead. Basically she is from comics I don't want to read. Joe Quesada who is responsible for that story can suck a bag of rocks.


Ohh ok cool thanks for explaining, so she is part of the new comics.

Maybe from the 2000s comics. I think no single writer from the old days would have changed Mary Jane to Michelle Jones, I have the idea that the comics started to have very drastic changes till now.

I don’t know why but I feel like all the marvel comic writers of the 80s till the 90s all respected the way Stan Lee created the comics and no one dared to make drastic changes.


Well not exactly. She hasn't been the love interest in years. I did read comics from 2011 to 2016 and she wasn't in them. Also her last name in the comics was Rodriguz. She isn't Mary Jane either in the comics. Just a girlfriend that he had for a few years after One More Day (the bad story I just mentioned) in 2008.


Weird then they decided to make her a love interest in the MCU but hey did the same with Pepper Pots, I know in the comics she was never a love interest for Tony, she was actually dating happy but Kevin Faige decided to make her Tony’s love interest.

Which was good and bad lol

Good because it’s a slow build relationship and I thought Robert and Gwyneth looked nice together but bad because I think Tony should have been with Natasha or someone else but not with someone who would be breaking up with him because she didn’t agreed with his Superhero job hehe 😉.


Actually she was a love interest in the 1960s comics I had been reading. Also another funny change is that the main villain Ivan Vanko from Iron Man 2 was only a villain in his first appearance and then became a good guy at the end of said issue. He stayed that way for the entirety of his story arc. In the end, he sacrificed himself to save Tony Stark from some communist spies who he had worked for in his first appearance. This also all happened in the 60s.


Wooow, that’s a huge change and interesting but I guess they would have needed a fourth film so this story line with Ivan Vanko could work and marvel had another plan going on sooo turning Vanko into a good guy would have been too complicated to include.

And it’s crazy how often our superheroes change love interests.


I quit reading modern Spider-Man comics in 2016 when they changed Black Cat into a Psychopathic villain who kills people. That and I realized they forcefully retconned out most of her history so that she doesn't know Peter Parker is Spider-Man and most of the stories I read with her from the 70s, 80s, and 90s have all been retconned out. Though I only read older comics with Marvel. Don't feel like checking out today's comics as much. Same with DC.
