MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > I still hate how people give Tobey crap ...

I still hate how people give Tobey crap for crying.

He's crying because his Uncle Ben died in his arms. Wouldn't you cry if your Uncle got shot in cold blood and held him in your arms for his final seconds before he died.


I think the criticism is more geared toward the third movie where he cried a lot more and for less dramatic reaosns.


Yeah, if he does indeed get criticize for his last scene with Uncle Ben, it must be because Spider-Man 3 left a bad taste in viewers, and as a result some can’t take his crying in this otherwise powerful scene in the first one seriously when they all they have in mind is “Emo Peter”.

It’s worth noting that images of him crying in the scene with Uncle Ben have become memes, so there’s also that. But Tobey in general tends to overact and make exaggerated crying/screaming faces.


Honestly, the only reason people make fun of him so much for crying is his stupid, meme worthy face. Garfield cries just as much in his movies, but when he does it, it looks "sexy". People just can't accept a hero who doesn't have movie star good looks 24/7 these days. They want every lead character in a summer blockbuster to be some ideal wish fulfillment fantasy, which is exactly what Garfield's Parker is. Even when he's out of the suit, he's still charming, handsome, and courageous. We all want to be him, and that's the problem. Tobey did not play it like that. His Parker was always down on his luck and when he cried, it was always appropriate, in the first two films anyway.


It's mostly due to spiderman 3. Which later on caused people to do that everytime he cries in the trilogy. lol
