Jump scares

Were these really necessary. I know Raimi has a horror background but they seemed out of place.

Armchair Critic Law 38:

If a film has a plot twist, over analyse.


I actually quite liked the fact that he brought a bit of his horror background to the film. He did this the best with the Doc Ock hospital scene in Spider-Man 2.


And what's wrong with a little jump scare OP? I think it adds to the intensity of a film sometimes. There's quite a few in this series, A LOT in the first two. Figures the weakest of the 3 films has little to NO jump scares...coincidence??? lol

Im gonna punch you in the cooter, I swear to God!


It's up there with nudity and sex for cheap filmmaking.

Remember when we had flash webpages full of jump scares, they would tell you to stare at a picture for a minute and then a frightening pic would appear with a loud sound?

They are cheap, it is cheap filmmaking.

Armchair Critic Law 38:

If a film has a plot twist, overanalyse.


There were only a couple, and to be honest I thought they kind of livened up the film.


I think the few that are in the movie work. I don’t find them as impactful as I once did (naturally), but they provide some nice thrills and, seeing how this isn’t a horror film, I wouldn’t call their usage cheap at all. For a family-friendly superhero movie with a bit of an edge, I find them effective.

Raimi’s knows his jump scares.
