La Ultima Birra Song

Does anyone know who perfoms the song "La Ultima Birra"(Song played during the menu & at the end of the movie during the credits.) Or where I can download the whole song? I'm already aware of the Riko El Pollo version, the version they use for the film sounds more polished to me. Thanks!



r u from argentina? no entiendo sino porque escribis en ingles :P yo una vez la encontre en el Ares la misma version pero no estaba entera era rarisima


Sou brasileiro, vi este filme semana passada na tv a cabo e gostei muito. Apesar de ser pequeno, despretensioso, barato, é um fime muito vívido e muito, muito engraçado. Eu adorei e achei os personagens parecidos com os tipos que se vê nas ruas aqui no Brasil. Assistam...


brazil! great country! beautiful country! i've been in ubatuba! :D cheers my brazilian friend!


Glad you liked it man, it's one of my favorites films and one of the few argentinian movies that worth a watch.
You should try OKUPAS, it's like a mini-serie of Pizza Birra y Faso.


lee en los creditos del final!! alli encontraras todos los datos de la pelicula.


credits says:
music from Leo sujatovich
lyric from Bruno stagnaro


La banda creo que es "Riko el pollo", no encontre otro interprete para esta cancion, debe ser una version mas pulida...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
