Where can I find this?

Is this available on DVD or anything?





. . . only ONE thing you need to get this on home video: amazon.com . buy new or used, CHEAPLY. Amazon.com is just about the only place that brings out "The Good little Consumer" in me. :~]

No one owns GOD or the TRUTH."
~Frank Black (MILLENNIUM, "Forcing The End")




Watching this on BBC Two right now as I type, part of the longrunning Storyville documentary series.
I'll be grabing this off iPlayer for sure, it's an interesting story.

Werner Herzog is a director I respect a lot. Many a time he goes the extra mile.
And more importantly, he has his own directorial style, which changes depending on subject matter, but at least it's his, frequently adding pathos to many a story.


This is now on Netflix
