Horrible Sequel

Do these people read books anymore?? I'm sorry but this movie was a complete and total insult to the original. As an avid fan of the story, be it book/movie, uhhh hello Carrie didn't have a half sister. Not just that, the movie was was updated so that the current generation could relate to it, but they copied the premise of the original. A girl being teased and made fun of, is the outcast of the school, goes to the prom , is humiliated, goes beserk and kills a lot of people (Carrie). A girl is teased and made fun of, is treated like an outcast, is tricked into going to the party, is humiliated, goes beserk and kills a lot of people. Whatever happened to originality??? They couldn't make a movie of their own? It's ridiculous.


its a horror gem, and loads better than the tv remake.


Hi Nwallace09

Couldn't agree more. :) It's a good little movie. Heads above most horror sequels.

I wish people would be openminded and allow themselves to enjoy a different take on the same basic plot.




Hi WendyLady13,

Whatever happened to originality???

Most movies are aren't based on original ideas. Most movies are old storylines recycled & updated for the current generation. How times have you seen a "I'm gonna get you back ...revenge type of film." There are a ton. It just depends on the clever spin that the writer places in the story to make it more accessible for the current audience.

I don't know if I would classify Rachel as an outcast. She's just not in the popular group. Rachel does not aspire to be in the popular crew nor does she care about them. It appears she enjoys her individuality and has friends of her own.

Also... I would say the football players were trying to intimidate her initially rather than teasing her. The players targetted her because they believe she turned in Eric for statutory rape. They were trying to keep her quiet.

For me, Rachel is a great character. Rachel is supposed to be a goth girl that likes Marilyn Manson (see the poster on her bedroom wall), she's definitely not a rebellious, disrespectful teenager. Recall she never "answers back" her loveless foster 'father.' and she works, isn't promiscuous and isn't a party whore. And she wasn't anybody's punching bag.

It's a different take on the same basic plot. I liked the Rage.


Good analysis. It was a good story and I liked Rachel.


I thought it was quite good.



Which Jurassic Park was needless I'm hoping your talking about 3 if so I agree completely


Gimme a break. This movie was never going to be a masterpiece, like the original movie. But, I'm still impressed by certain parts of this movie. Like Bergl's acting as Rachel, trying to replace the wonderful Sissy Spacek. But, compared to the Resident Evil garbage coming out today, c'mon, The Rage is not a bad movie.


The reason why Carrie didn't have a half-sister is because if you go by the original novel, Carrie's father died sometime either before Carrie was born or when she was a few months old. Margaret obviously didn't have any other kids, so Rachel could not have possibly been Carrie's sister. A distant cousin perhaps, but not her sister. Especially since the time line of the movie is severely messed up. If Rachel had been five years old in 1976, she would have graduated in 1990, not 1999.

To be the artist within is to be unique.



A girl is teased and made fun of, is treated like an outcast, is tricked into going to the party, is humiliated, goes beserk

Doesn't this happen to almost everyone at least once in their school long career? Maybe a little altered but pretty much the same. Even the popular people have issues amongst themselves. There is always the beta person who feels outside, and is picked on, even in their own group.

I'm with him. I'm uh...I'm Mrs. Igles...I'm Mrs. Iglesias


I believe the two biggest problems of this film are some of the most stupid death/gore scenes in horror history (CD's?) featured, and that filmmakers spent most of its lenght trying to fit the original one in it, using flashbacks, copying or repeating some scenes or aspects (Rachel's mother was a bad copy of Margareth White, plus that "They're all gonna laught at you" at the party that was absolutely nonsense). Since special effects were quite advanced by this time, they could have used at least some of the novel scenes that couldn't be filmed or didn't work at all in the 70's. I'm sorry but you have to admit that Emily Bergl did a great job in this film.

The story is good, but it should have been only about of a scorned psychockinetic white girl sending her enemies to hell after being humiliated and having her best, only friend killing herself because of their actions, no direct relation to Carrie.


^ This! That's exactly what I thought. Emily Bergl was great as Rachel, and while the movie is not (and never will be) a masterpiece, is actually quite good, but IMO it's real flaw is being related directly with Carrie. It would be better if it was just an independent story, or even a reboot or an new versión of Carrie. But not a sequel. The only thing I hated about The Rage was they bringing back Sue Snell, the only survivor from the original movie, just to kill her off in such a stupid, gory fashion. Her character had no real purpose other than being a loose versión of Miss Collins.
