This documentary attempts to relate what happened in Southeast Nebraska December 1993, When Brandon Teena, Lisa Lambert and Philip Devine were killed.
The film makers do a good job they let people say what they want, but The Story is just that, A STORY based on lies by people trying to save there skin.
Tom Nissen has admited he lied on the stand about what actually happened.



Yes the documentary is very good, it documents "The STORY"
The world can watch as people try to cover up the truth.
It captures forever the lies, it's like an infomercial for "The STORY"
Inmate Leon Thompson-"Yea John wanted to be the bulldog, rape carries 50 years, I can see why they did it." etc nauseum....

The whole "STORY" is bull, Nobody in Richardson County loved Brandon.
The Story makes Falls City and Nebraska look ridiculous. It is an embarrasment to the people of Nebraska, to the country and to intelligent people worldwide. It sterotypes Nebraska citizens as homophobic backwoods country bumpkins and insults the public by expecting them to believe blatant lies.
It is the best video if you want to see "The STORY"
Someone needs to make another documentary, they could call it "The Brandon Teena Truth"



I have met alot of farmers here in Southeast Nebraska who are alot smarter than you. What makes you think you are better than the people in Falls City, you expect those farmers to believe every word of The STORY well I think alot more of them know it's bullsh_t and they will stand up to those who would have them portrayed as idiot hicks, just to protect their own hides.
Expecting profesionals to do the job they are paid to do does not make someone backwoods. The farmers are not the ones responsible for creating and spreading THE STORY.
Now you and Carrie have fun fighting with everyone who even remotely disagrees with you and calling a murder victim a liar, a thief and disrespecting their grieving family, that is when your not posting about the weather. Ever heard of email?

Any farmers who would like to see Rod's weather report/murder victim bash Yahoo club can find a link at BrandonTeena.Info, go to clubs SeeWithTheHeart
Rod will probably delete any posts that contradict The STORY though.
It's to late for damage control Rod, get used to it!

I will use any name I want to!!!!!



Yup, whatever Tazzmedic, I think most of those farmers have alot more respect for human beings than you ever will.
The Brandon Teena Truth is about corruption and coverup.
Blame it on the mean Sherriff, homophobic town then nobody will look further.
I am in Falls City, I don't care what you believe you are just another STORY
But the STORY is on it's way out, maybe they have something else you can do.




That's pretty fair, I understand my opinions are different than alot of people's
evryone has a different opinion based on the information they have.



My main problem with the Documentary is when they reinact Teena driving to Falls City from Lincoln and they have the car coming from the south. Going past Frosty Queen





you made this post in 2004.. it's 2007 now.. and the story is, apparently, STILL not out. you're just hype.


lmao, hear hear! It's actually now 2009, coming up to 2010 :P



This is pretty ridiculous. A person was murdered by homophobic lowlives, and you are concerned about Nebraska's image? Why not get angry at Brandon Teena's murderers for damaging Nebraska's image if you really believe the movie reflects badly on you? Nobody is going to drive three hundred miles out of their way to avoid Nebraska because of this movie, not even gays. It happens in every state (including mine, New Mexico), gays are killed for no reason, and that's the point, that's why this story has to be told. And as for "Someone needs to make another documentary..." well, I guess YOU have your work cut out for you. It's a lot harder than complaining about someone else's work. Let me know when it's done, and I'll go see it.


First off....Brandon Teena was not murdered! Tina Brandon was!!!




No, you're right. He WAS killed for a reason - to silence the only witness to a BRUTAL RAPE. Those two murderers were criminals before Brandon came to town, it's not like they were trying to do the world a favour. They killed him because they are disgusting cretins.


Lana was telling the truth.

I love you, Kristen Stewart. :) You are so beautiful and talented. I would love to perform with you.


My mistake. Even Lana was a phony and a traitor. She set Brandon up to be raped.


how do you know?


I know because Lama broke up with Brandon once she found out the truth and she set Brandon up to me raped.


It's now 2014 - more than ten years. :-D
