Adults here have ISSUES!

This is a great and i mean great show from the 90s. it was fun, imaginative, and smart for its time. There have been so many people saying bad things about this show. You say it was unrealistic and didnt show real solutions to problems. But those of you who are complaining about a CHILDREN'S SHOW fail to realise that this show was for children and young children under 8. In fact most kids stopped watching this show at 8 and even 9 because their interests were no longer about learning how to act right but see action packed shows.

Back to the point, you are all looking at this show from an adult's perspective. Yes I use to watch this show as a child and even owned a few of the video movies. I learned alot of things like how to eat with my mouth closed, cleaning up after myself, and being kind to others. Now looking at it 15 plus years later I do see little things but let me tell you, any show or movie you watch now as an adult will be silly. Thats because we are mature and see things from a view that has seen many things. Children are not mature and have not gone through the things we do as adults. Therefore their perspective will be different and they will look towards using their imagination.

So many of you complain about how when characters are sad their problems are not solved. Here is the thing its a kids show that's only may be 30 minutes. And many kids have bad stuff happen but most of it is simple child hood "oh darn i didnt get my way, or im sad i didnt play with my friend". If those of you honestly want to teach your kids the real world situations and not be so "politically correct" then you know what, cut the damn tv off and raise your god damn kids. Kid shows are suppose to be light hearted and fun. Dear god its a show about a purple vegetarian dinosaur. Do you honestly think he is going to play psychologist to a unhappy child for an entire episode? Magic is used many times but there are plenty of times where the show deals with things like being good and doing the right thing. The show doesnt want children to focus too much on sad things because this show was not intended to be a trusted adult when a child has issues to talk about. A show will and should never replace a real adult. So if you are so worried your child will ignore their sad unhappy lives then guess what you failed as a parent because you are still suppose to be there to teach YOUR kid how to deal with real life.

This will always be a good show .... at least until 1995 when I stopped watching. LOL


I agree with you,i just posted the following message on the board for the person who wrote the essay which i franky dont agree with......

I agree with (this_is_the_way_the_world_ends). There are plus and minus points to these kinds of shows but most of the kids TV aimed at 1-5 years olds are about fantasy and imagination. Yes some of them arnt crammed to the brim with educational messages but kids love colours,happiness and inflames their imagination.

I understand people are saying this kind of sugar coated world doesnt do kids any favors and misses the point that there is tragedy and suffering in the world but i would be more concerned if i tuned into Barney and he said 'Today kids we are going to learn about a naughty man called Adolf Hitler'.....i know it seems like im being sarcastic but you learn about the horrors in this world as you grow up, you dont need it rammed in your face from birth.

Again i know you shouldnt live in a bubble but i also think these days kids are being forced to grow up too fast!

Most of the young members in my family watched and loved the Barney show. They have all grown up to become extremely clever and bright people. Not one of them ever feels that they were shielded too much from the truth of this world and even now remember it fondly as a bright,fun,musical show which at the end of the day,is exactly what it is!


its funny that people complain about kids being "forced to grow up too fast"

the fact is, there is no escaping this. Its just how the world works these days. In order to stay competitive in the world, a country has to push its youngsters.

The world is way faster and more connected than it was even in the 90s, and much more so than the 70s and 80s. Kids have to be pushed or they will be left behind. Life is just generally harder for kids now, than those who are like 40 or 50 years old now.

There is no stability in jobs like there was. People could work at a convenience store and be the soul breadwinner for the whole family. You could work at a factory and expect a pension, raises, promotions to positions of power within the organizations, etc. Nowadays, you can expect nothing from a job, and pensions are a thing of the past.

The only thing we can do is try to make life more fun and enjoyable for the kids. Not to slow down their learning and treat them like morons. This is a world where kids can now go on the computer and learn about things like sex, violence, and drugs in way more in-depth, honest and relevant information, without the parents knowing even.

This was not possible decades ago. At best kids might catch something on the news, or lookup sex in an encyclopedia, or MAYBE find a sibling/parents dirty magazine/movie. That was it though.

This is the world now. There is exponentially more pressure on kids nowadays, and the only real help you can give them is to help them get through the tough parts in life. You cant sugar coat or give half-truths. They can learn the reality themselves, and if unprepared, distorted views of reality.

Sure thats a lot from just barney, but im talking about your general viewpoint of kids.
