live fire tests

The live fire tests which involved the sheep were very funny and accurate on how the military would try to moth-ball the test with there sheep spec's. I found that so funny when i saw this film. All around this is a great film :)


The fact that it would take 8 months for the SHeep Specs to find the right sheep made me laugh out loud. I could totally picture the Pentagon doing stuff like this.

"Don't look down on yourself, just because other people do."


just watched it again last night...yes, the "sheep specs" was hilarious. Rams? long hair or short hair? shorn or not shorn?

then when he's chasing the truck with the dead sheep...hilarious.

-We Provide.....Leverage


Do you even have sheep specs?

Yes, they are alive and kicking, and that is good enough for me.

I love this movie but it's freaking scary that this type of thing goes on WAY too often in this country. I have 3 uncles who were in Vietnam and they all have stories of their M16 jamming. So to think that they may have been killed if their weapon jammed at the wrong time is a very serious matter and the fact that the people in charge of testing those weapons are OK with it not working perfectly angers me to no end.


The movie is hilarious and one of my favorites ever. The true story behind it is horrific and makes the movie all the more important to watch, because I have no doubt things like this are still going on today...


The scene were they put the hot plates all over the target got me the most. My dad was in the army in the late 50s, stationed outside Seattle. He participated in testing surface to air missiles. He said they always had the target drone rigged to a remote detonator on the ground so they would guarantee the missile "hit". He said that they were ordered to blow up the target, even if the missile was a hundreds of feet away when it improperly detonated. Creating the illusion that the test was a success was the only thing that mattered to the top brass.


What about the door, didn't you see how it stood up to the shell.

Wasn't me
