Won't BUDDY...

... re-appear inside SHERMAN's head, since he's back in his body?


He has him under control now.




He's able to accept the fact that Buddy is apart of him. This is what that shrink was telling him to do. I guess Sherman was trying to deny Buddy's existence and I guess this helped Buddy get control of him again at times. Sherman did manage to have him under control between the time span of the first movie and now which is a whole four years. It wasn't until now Buddy was back to cause harm when Sherman was in love and vulnerable and Sherman thought he could respond to this by simply ignoring him.


Really? This is how I saw it: SHERMAN was told his problem was psychological while he believed that BUDDY's voice in his head was real. It turns out that it was. BUDDY possesses him. That means that he's more than just a gene. Whatever he is, he exists and can controll SHERMAN. Therefore, I don't think SHERMAN overcoming his confidence issues will help.


Well remember, Buddy was just a gene that didn't even until Sherman decided to make himself thin and is only four years old at that. Sherman is a whole man and Buddy is of HIM, so in the end Sherman should be the one able to control him and keep him mellowed. Sherman seemed almost scared of Buddy and fear is also a weakness to have if some one is trying to take over you. As long as Sherman keeps his head up and not worry about Buddy trying to take over, he should be good.


"He's able to accept the fact that Buddy is apart of him. "

"Apart" and "a part" have COMPLETELY different meanings.

Are you sure you want to use the word 'apart' instead of saying 'a part' (which is an article and a word)?

Why is simple english this difficult for you?


Maybe Sherman’s kids all turn into Buddy through his DNA
