MovieChat Forums > Host Discussion > Anyone know how it ended

Anyone know how it ended

Anyone know how it ended. I missed the last five minutes, where the the guy in the wheelchair was thinking of going into the computer.



- Guy in the wheelchair hooks up to the computer.
- Scene changes to the Dr Messenger getting his wife and child out of the stalled lift (elevator).
- Doctor and family go back to the lab where they find the guy in the wheelchair is dead on the floor.
- The Doctor and family hug and the guy in the wheelchair 'materialises', he has entered the computer successfully. He stands up, says he's got a lot of exploring to do and then 'dematerialises'.
- Doctor and family say goodbye and leave the lab, lights automatically go off....fade to credits.


Does this movie have anything to do with cryonics?

It takes more courage to forgive than to take revenge.


The ending of this film is seriously weak compared to the dark ending of the novel.





There's a lovely scene where the wife throws a frozen head onto the road and it shatters
