Anybody know how it ends?

I'd like to know the last half hour-- I caught the movie on cable, but had to leave the house before finishing. Anyone mind spoiling the ending for me?


i rented the movie like a year ago, so i don't quite remember the details. well you know that eva and joe hooked up and eva was living with the boyfriend (i forget his name) because she felt bad leaving him, after he tried to saw off his leg to be more like joseph. (big run-on sentence, i know)
well, at the very end, joseph comes back to eva's home and eva was taking care of her boyfriend. she and joseph are talking on the front porch and she doesn't want her boyfriend to know that joseph was at their house.
So, they talk and he pleads to her to come home with him. but she refuses, because she felt guilty for her boyfriend.
eva closes the door to joseph and goes back upstairs to care for her bf, then she runs back downstairs and opens the door. joseph is halfway in the middle of the field. Eva runs to him and they share a long embrace with a passionate kiss. End of Story.

Now, i'm not quite sure if that's hinted whether they stayed together or sharing one last kiss good-bye. it was never really clear.

Anyways. i hope this helps, and i'm sorry if my long-winded sentences made no sense what-so-ever.


Thank you so much!


Well, I know it's a while since you debated the ending of "Dreaming of Joseph Lees" but for the record, this is the story of the film's ending.

In good British melodramatic style of the period, Eva (Samantha Morton) is torn apart between desire for Joseph Lees (Rupert Graves) and doing the right thing by her pathetic 'man at home', invalided by the self-mutilated leg (Lee Ross)for whom she was now destined to look after. Originally, the story line went that when she saw through the window that Joseph was outside the door, she didn't open it and he eventually went away, leaving her distraught and emotionally wrecked. The tear jerker ending. However, it was the desire of the US backers that there should be a happy(ish) end. Hence the additional scene that many found confusing, where Eva and Joseph covertly meet and kiss. Satisfying the idea that true love remains. Whether this is to be a promise of her eventual return to Joseph (she ain't too keen on Harry) or simply her last fling, we don't know. It was just a device.
In the time the piece was set (1950s), women stuck by their men through thick and thin, often without happiness, and her father would have expected her to look after Harry, especially as he knew about the 'affair' with Joseph while in the relationship with Harry. Eva's behaviour would have been frowned on.
I think it was a good film, maybe too quiet for a populist box-office, but the 'good' criticisms were just. Samantha Morton was stunningly expressive, the others supported her brilliantly. Well shot, well edited, and well directed. Watch it again.


Thank you for sharing with us the story behind the story. I watched that movie many times and loved it but wondered about the true meaning of the ending.
I found that this was also done with the ending of Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly. The original ending was not romantic enough. Got to love Hollywood.


This is so unfair!(( She never really loved Harry and she didn't marry him, so it wasn't her duty to stay with him. He was just sick manipulative bastard, so I don't understand why she had to stay and take care of him. I would have understood if he lost his leg in war or smth or if they had children and were married... So I prefer to think that she left Harry for Joseph. Anyway the ending doesn't give a certain answer))


After the passionate embrace and kiss between Eva an Joseph and the pan over foreign lands, I believe Eva followed her heart as her father instructed her to do so earlier in the movie and adding "Folks'll talk though", she reclaimed her independence and left with Joseph. (Excuse the run on sentence)
