MovieChat Forums > Dick (1999) Discussion > Was Kirsten Dunst still a minor when thi...

Was Kirsten Dunst still a minor when this was made?

According to her bio, she was born in '82, making her 17 when this movie was made. If that's the case, wouldn't her scene with Ryan Reynolds be a little inappropriate considering he was 23 at the time??

I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, but I won over it.


Um no, 16 is the age of consent. What are you a redneck? Oh, wait, my bad, if you are then down in Alabammy you know 14 is the age of consent. There in God's country. So what are you - a commie?


Ok, wow. First of all, my friend, I am about the most liberal person you will never meet, thanks to the anonymity of the internet. Which is why you might feel like such a big, brave a-hole and say jerky things that you would never say otherwise, so long as you're covered my the social exclusion of your sweaty keyboard. Second of all, I ask not because of "moral outrage", but out of simple curiosity as to whether this violated any FCC regulations or any other legitimate legal violations. My question was not a cry for help from some bloated, self-righteous pr1k to come and tell me how he really wishes he could bang his sister. Idiot.

I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, but I won over it.



You sir are a douchebag.


You know what? If I would have had a problem with Thirteen, I would have posted on the Thirteen board. I was asking about this because this movie is backed by a major studio, and they tend not to take as many risks. Plus the subject material in Thirteen was on par with the action. In Dick, it was a silly comedy that benefited in no way from including that scene. Granted, I know it was a harmless scene, but, again, I was asking in hopes of getting some sort of light shed on the matter; hopefully from someone with any kind of practical information. Seriously, if you don't have something useful to contribute to the thread, just move on.
I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, but I won over it.



Flip out much?



For the record, she was probably about 16. Whether or not that's the age of consent, the scene was extremely mild, showed no nudity. In fact, she was on the side of him (not straddled) flipping her hair in his face. Hardly cause for alarm. Oh, and by the way, the FCC has no control over the content of motion pictures.

Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?


It wood only be considered innapropiate under certain cirucmastances. For example she would have had to have a pillow inbetween them.


To answer your original question, and ignoring the lame internet fight that occurred, yes she was only 17 at the time of the movie. However, she's been acting since she was very little, and her first on screen kiss was at 11 with Brad Pitt, so I'm assuming that she must've received parental permission for that. However, at 17, I think she's beyond the age of consent, and since they're just kissing I don't think it matters that much, specifically since they were just acting. I mean, how many other movies insinuate adult affairs with young people?

hugz kisses and candy


There's wrong with a 17-year-old kissing a 23-year-old?
Nor would it be wrong if they *beep*


i thought the same thing! she did have her first on screen kiss with brad pitt at 11 and he was way over 23. and 6 years isnt so bad but I can def. see where you are coming from. and there was no need for bashing. now THAT was just inappropriate.



She kissed Brad Pitt when she was 12 so I don't think this is a big deal..
