Good until the end

I don't know if I'm alone here, but I would have much rather have seen her reunite with her husband.
I'm not sure if that would have taken away from the meaning of this movie, but I don't see why not. Would have been different to see a married couple work things out in a movie instead of just divorcing and going separate ways.
If anyone knows any other movies like this, but they end up getting together in the end, please let me know. :)

Also, what was up with the brother all up on the lesbian roommates? What was up with the other lesbian being crabby all the time to her girlfriend? Did Joline end up getting with the artist? (Just a few random questions)


IMO it would have ruined the film if they got back together. He ran out on her, cheated on her, then had her committed to an insane asylum. Then once she had her life back in order he decides he wants back in? Why would you want them to get back together?

The brother was up on the lesbians because he was sleeping with one of them. That is probably why the other was angry.


I guess I just like to see married couples work things out. He was a jerk, but I had hoped he would have changed like realizing Joline was responsible for getting him a better photo gig or appreciating her for rescuing him from a guy that he had thought she made up in her head, or just realized how much of an idiot he was, and establish the same commitment Joline has for him. (Would have been a nice ending for me). Though, the one thing I could absolutely not blame her for leaving is him cheating on her.
Good movie, but very disappointed at the end. I respect your opinion though :)


Forces of Nature


Thank you! I actually own that movie! :)



If I were her, I wouldn't have taken him back either. I mean he was a bastard for leaving her abruptly and moving to Texas, cheating on her, and calling the cops on her. The best part is when she kicked him in the stomach when he came back for his radio upon moving back to NY. That was awesome...he sure deserved that! Perhaps she ended up with the quirky neighbor guy instead.


I do not like the ending either but I am not sure what I would have preferred instead.

I would have preferred that he had not gotten a girlfriend. People often need time out, if the writers had just not given him a girlfriend then it could be a very different story. Men and women both sometimes get overwhelmed and need time to adjust. If he had not had a girlfriend then it could have ended with them showing a lot of respect and appreciation together and then gone their separate ways. Making the guy a jerk really spoiled the whole story.
