You know what I think??? (GO JEWS!)

I think Disney should make a JEWISH story. A JEWISH princess. They made everything else:
Arab (Jasmin),
Indian (Pocahontas),
Chinese (Mulan),
Greek (Hercules),
British (Peter Pan),
African (Lion king -African on the whole),
French (Beauty and the beast)
and sooooooo much more!!!! Why isn't there a JEWISH story... From the bible or something.... Who's with me???


...Honestly I don't think it matters much. So, what the hey, I'm with you. :) Then again, to be fair, there's more than just the Jewish ethnic background they haven't used. (To my knowledge, anyway).

see my art at:


i'm not supporting disney on this, but i'm stating the facts.

Rumors speculate that walt disney was the illegitamite child of a nazi.

i'd rather be his whore than your wife


Rumors speculate that walt disney was the illegitamite child of a nazi.

And you believe those rumors? This is just b****hit.



As far as my knowledge goes, this ain`t even possible, since Disney was well an adult when the Dritte Reich began.

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!


How can you "state the facts" by spouting a "rumor"? Try researching your "facts" first, THEN open your mouth.


Well he seemed, so interested that I figured I'd throw an idea onto the floor. Just giving you a bit of info. Sorry it offends you when somone has an idea.

i'd rather be his whore than your wife


They did make Prince of Egypt. Theres a Jewish story... quite a very Jewish story for it kinf of difines on of the most important festivities: pesaj... Anyway, hag sameaj...

What fools these mortals be!


correction: dreamworks made the price of egypt



All of the films you said was about a nationality English Indian Etc if they made a Jewish film what country would it be set in as Jewish people dont really have a native homeland!


If they ever do make a Jewish based movie (which probably won't happen) don't expect Mel Gibson to be in it! ahahaha.


Judaism is a religion, not a Nationality or a Race. Every film and Everyone you listed there was from another Nationality.
How often do you see Disney Characters celebrate their Religious Festivities, they're kids movies, not Faith Enrichment Videos!
Besides only 2% of Americans are Jewish, whilst 80% are Christians, so the larger audience of children would be confused, and therefore a Jewish Disney movie wouldn't do so well.


I'm not an expert on Jews, but as far as I know there wasn't ever any Jewsish princesses. But maybe I'm wrong, lol!

But if there wasn't, a Jewish heroine would be a good idea. If they had a good story too, of course. I'd also like to see a Disney movie set in Ancient Egypt, but that's not likely lol!

Why isn't there a JEWISH story... From the bible or something

That probably wouldn't be such a good idea. I doubtthat Disney would get away with a religious story, which it wold be if it was from the Bible.

But hey, if they do find one, I'll be watching it! =**=


Well Dreamworks made The Prince of Egypt which is based off of the Moses story in the Bible, and that movie did pretty good, I think.


Prince of Egypt was banned from several countries because it was a bible/torah story

i'd rather be his whore than your wife


Sarah is a Jewish princess, hence why Sarah means princess in Hebrew.
If you've seen 300, or One Night With The King, Xerxes wife was Jewish.


Maybe they could just make a movie about a "Druish" princess...


Sorry...your comment just reminded me of Spaceballs!


Actually, Judaism is BOTH a religion and a people group. There are indeed ethnic Jews. Their homeland is Israel and it was given to them late in the 1940s.


Yeah how come they dont make a Mexican Princess as well!!

Im a girl that can stay at home and watch movies all day long!!


good idea steph! i mean i'm mexican...esmeralda was basically the closest to looking hispanic, but a hispanic princess would rock.


But they never were confused by ancient greek and other beliefs.
Although this might be a bad example, since "Hercules" was changed so radically it`s a pain if you know the actual myths.
But since ALL jewish myths are christian myths too, it WOULD make perfectly sense. On the other hand, I can`t remember a single truly christian Disney movie.

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!


well are there any pre-existing Jewish fairy tales? ....they COULD do one from the bible if they didn't try pushing the religion factor too much ..... becasue while it's really no problem to express one religion...too many people nowadays get pissed off if you don't include EVERY OTHER religion if you're willing to talk about one.


what about italian?


i think that was Pinnochio. i could be wrong, all i know is that the story came from italy. I dont really remember Pinnochio that much.

A bad egg of Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
MeMbEr Of LUNAtics, Dumbledore's Army, and OOTP


All of those nationalities not religons. But in Disney world around December they are pretty fair to all religions. For Christians they have the christmas story read from the bible by a celebrity along with a string orchastra. Once I saw A Disney Christmas gift which had bits and pieces about how others celebrate different winter holidays (Christmas etc)


just so you know, not all religions have thier major holidays in december. Quite a few have thedm later or earlier.I'm just saying, but it was a good idea to be fair to all religions

A bad egg of Team Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
MeMbEr Of LUNAtics, Dumbledore's Army, and OOTP


If that was for me duh, Its a real pet peave of mine for people to state things we all learned in Elementary school as if the person didn't know


I'm all for Jew pride! (even though I'm not Jewish but a lot of my friends are.) But Judaism is unique in the fact that it's seen as a culture AND a religion, wheras none of those nationalities you listed necessarily have a specific religion linked to them. Disney can't risk pushing obvious religious themes in their films because they'd alienate a lot of viewers. Christmas has been secularized enough (Santa, presents, etc.) that they can include it in their films. Now, you could have a Disney princess from Israel or one of the surrounding countries, but the movie would have to be COMPLETELY depoliticized by setting it WAYYY in the past or something. It would be very difficult to make it seem like Disney wasn't proclaiming some political agenda - they can't risk looking blatantly pro-Israel or pro-Palestine either way.

Another quip: If you're talking PRINCESSES instead of just female main characters, Mulan, Hercules, and Peter Pan don't have princesses for the female main characters.

Official list of (human) Disney princesses:

Princesses to begin with:
Sleeping Beauty (her name is Aurora)

Married and became princesses:
