Arms, Leg visible

I admit this one of the best in the series and I don't usually bring up goofs but in the scene where the Lone Wolf (Ogammi Itto)is interupted while speeking to the budha and takes on several enemies he removes limbs from some his foes and soon after their "real" arms/legs are still visible. At the end of the fight two of the men struggle to still fight Ogammi despite missing limbs from their bodies. In the shot where one of two, who is missing an arm and leg, moves towards Ogammi and tries to throw himself into a kick off of the floor you can see his real leg tucked underneath as he kicks and his real arm tucked under his clothing (in front)as he first approaches. The other man in the right corner of the screen has his left arm missing but his elbow is clearing protruding out from underneath his clothing. They are both quite obvious. Anyway, I love the series and the artistic, great staged action sequences, but I found this a little too obvious and was surprised it was not listed in the goofs section on its page here at .



Who cares if there is small mistakes it was still a good movie so don't worry about it what is so important about goofs


it was a brill movie wasnt it real lone wolf, and i dont see why anybody said before that the actor was the wrong size for the job, i thought he was just perfect, his acting was a show of how incredible a film can be made, with a good set of actors/actresses and a good director, and of course the film crew.

i rate this film and the other lone wolf and cub films as one of the number ones in my movie list.



sorry, i didnt understand...


i agree with blockbusterz it was good so the goofs don't really matter
i am from holland isn't that weird



Sorry I noticed an obvious mistake. I didn't know people would take such offense. I love this entire series - perhaps my favorite samurai films. I have seen them too much perhaps and noticed that this mistake wasn't listed on imdb.
