Does anyone remember this??

I think the last memory I had of this show was a terrifying one.

It had the girl talking to Allen and he was all white and spooky looking going "help me." I was scared for weeks and never watched it again. Anyone remember this part?


I think it's all coming back to me.

.... yes, I think I do! LOL.

But I loved this show! It used to make me laugh. I felt kind of sorry for Allen at times, being an alien.


I remember this - I just saw Allen in an episode of the West Wing and was very distracted trying to place him in my mind.
I have a really strong recollection of something - I think it was in the titles, where he flicks through a book and says something about how many grammatical and typographical errors there are. I often quote that after proof reading something...



Lol ema you got issues ;)

I loved this show as a kid, always thought Allen would fall in love with the girl!


I remembered this when the film 'Day After Tomorrow' came out in 2004. This was a good show.


YES! So traumatizing. I had nightmares for weeks. I can't find it online anywhere lol.


Yup, that's pretty much the only thing I remember from the show. If memory serves he needed to immerse himself in water every so often to not die or something, and they were kinda running up against the clock in that episode.
