'Smack my...'

Great line thrown in there by RDJ, ala HANS. (After he was 'Finished').
It seemed like he was improv-ing, especially the way him & claudia shiffer laughed afterwards. Very funny.


It made me crack up.

What I want to know...is (spoilers, I figure I should warn if anyone appears and hasn't seen the movie)

What the hell happened to Hans at the end?
Like how did Carla know he was 'crazy' or I think she puts it 'a maniac'?

Ahhhh plot holes.

Damn The Gypsy Drifters


I wanted to know as well; after they left together he was never shown again. I'm thinking the scene was filmed but ended up on the cutting room floor. Maybe she found out that he was faking his accent and realized that was his way of picking up girls.
