Zoom Guest?

Does anyone remember a Zoom Guest during the 1972 to 1973 season that was a radio announcer?

I think he had leukemia, and I also remembered he interviewed Howard Cosell.

He also showed up in the Neil Young "Journey Through the Past" movie.


Well from what I understand ZOOM was a show not only for kids but also about kids.

Therefore how did they end up interviewing radio annoucer?


The zoomguest was the boy who was a radio announcer.

In one segment, he was shown interviewing Howard Cosell.


OK thanks the futher info.

I watched the original series.

Unfortunatly I was too young to have a full understanding of it though I did enjoy it.


I finally found out his name.

It was Gil Gillam.


Wow I do remember, was he the one that made a transistor radio?
I first heard the song Summer Breeze on Zoom.
