Deleted scene?!

The Fist of the North Star is, in my opinion one of the greatest films ever made and I have seen it countless amounts of times. However a while ago I was reading a review in a magazine acompanied by a picture of Raoh on his horse with Julia, and Shin trying to stop him from taking her. In the version I have (the only version I've ever seen), You don't see any action between Raoh and Shin, only them talking about fighting. Could someone please tell me what happens in the bits that are missing from my version (UK edit), or even better, let me know where I can get this un-edited version. Thanks.


I have got the original Jap version of the movie and you don't get to see any action between them. They talk about fighting and then the next time you see any action with Shin is when Ken meets and fights him.


the english version leaves out some of the best subtle things from the O.G. version. like when jackie is dragging Ken, he's making a heh,heh,heh sound not laughing like in the us version. also at the end with the fight between Ken & Roah they cut out the part where Ken is throwing a open handed fingertip blow to Roah's head(personal fav.) even though Lyn's call makes him stop short.


The western release cut out all mention of Hokuto Shinken and replaced it with the nonsensical idea about Ken being "Fist Of The North Star" and Shin being of the South star, in the original version he was a master of Nanto Seiken. As well as that, all of the dialogue related to Hokuto Shinken and the Yin/Yang ideas were excised. The music was also toned the volume of the music in some scenes, such as when Kenshiro fights his way through Zed's men. The lyrics to the ending song were cut as well. And not forgetting the original ending which was replaced with the awful one where Kenshiro is actually beat, the original ending was more in keeping with the Yin/Yang elements, neither good or evil could completely triumph.


Keep in mind that the western release came out around 1991/92, and people were just getting into anime. Streamline basically "Dumbed it down" for american 90's audiences. They did the same with Akira. Hopefully they'll make another release. one that's better



The picture in question was never included in the actual movie release. It was made as promo art and was featured in the OST booklet.
