He will return?

Acording to the japanese ending I watched, the two little kids said that he will return, and look for Julia again. After browsing these boards, everyone tells me he died... I'm a little confused. Not to meantion the Japanese ending I watched showed him wandering the world only to hulucinate images of Julia, then he ended up at some abandoned city.

"That which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"


this movie only covers the first 22 books.The manga consists in 41 books(at least the one I have)
plus,this movie is based on the first anime serie,which consists in 108 episodes.The second season goes from 109 to 152

Ken,as you might have understood,doesnt die.He spends more or less ten years with Julia,then after she dies he comes back to give his solid contribute to a devastated world.

and the second serie is absolutely breathtaking.It has some big revelations like Ken's homeland,a lost brother,Raoul's brother...and he will discover that there are TWO Divine Schools of Hokuto
