MovieChat Forums > Hokuto no Ken (1991) Discussion > In my opinion it exist some memorable qu...

In my opinion it exist some memorable quotes.


The dialog with Lord Jagies Bodyguard.
And Rays introduction scene. ``Hey, this belong to you?`` *Throws that guys arms to him*

Ken´s line : ``Ray, you know its a lie.`` (Ray only meet Ken for only about 1 day ago, maybe pretty fun that Ken expect Ray to trust him to 100 % then)

And the dialog betwen Ray and the Mutant about cutting HES head of at the tourturing scene.

The dialog betwen Ken and Zenda.

After Ray already have beaten Rauhs right hand. ``Rauh, now its your turn!`` ``Hey, we are not through yet. ARRGHHHH!!!``*Cuts to peaces*

When Ken reaches Shin. ``Hallo Ken, nice to see you again. How you bien?``
(Last time the meet Shin almost killed him ((!!!)) ``I´ve ben better. Where´s Julia?`` ``She´s not here right now, may i leave a message?`` ``Wery funny! But i´m afraid i´m not in the mood for your twisted sence of humour.``

And there Ken controles Jagies muscle - controll and making Jagie point the Gun at himself. And Ken says ``I´t can sometimes come up like that. If i were you i get rid of that Gun.``

Anyone agree? Or is it even moore lines that deserves to come up?

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.



I'm picking mine from the manga

Raoul,as he sees about two hundreds motorbike losers in front of him
"See?There's still someone who doesn't know my strenght"
He raises a arm and blasts everyone

Ken,after he gets a enemy blind
"Now that you cannot see the world anymore,you will lose the will to conquer it"

in a inn,a enemy disguised as a woman tries to make Ken drink poisoned water
Ken "Why don't you taste it?You look like a strong woman,with your moustaches"


"The dialog with Lord Jagies Bodyguard."
Bodyguard : (Laughs) Well, what have we here? Well ofcourse, you must be Lord Jagies brother. He told me you should show up sooner ore later.
Ken : Good. Then get out of my way Pig!
Bodyguard : I dont think so, not today. You see the boss told me to stop you. And nobody get through me unless i say so.
(Ken punches hes stomachs and stuck with hes hand in it)
Bodyguard : Hey, whats the matter little fella´, you got your hand stuck? Your not the first one it happens to, and you won´t be the last. You see thats why im Lord Jagies Bodyguard, he doesent like un - invited guests. And i see you dont got an inventation, then i´m afarid youre gonna´ haft to leave!
(Smashes Ken down to the ground)
Bodyguard : (Laughs) Next time, call first. (Laughs)
Ray : Need a Hand?
Ken : I do really aprociate your offer. But i can handle this one by my self, thanks.
Bodyguard : Yeah? That´s what you think wiseguy!
(Ken kicks him multiple times in the Stomach)
Bodyguard : Ha! Nice try guy!
Ken : Say your goodbyes larn a s because your already dead!
Ken punches the Stomach) (Stomach heals itself)
Bodyguard : See! What did i told you? Back in one peace, good as new! Hehe..
(Bodyguard explodes)

"And the dialog betwen Ray and the Mutant about cutting HES head of at the tourturing scene."

Mutant : So, with all do respect. I´l let you be the one who cut he´s head of.
Ray : Thats quiet an honor. I would hate waste all your fun on my acount,
you sure about this?
Mutant : Hey, what´s friends for? Right?
(Ray takes the Saw and slams it in the Mutants Head)
Mutant : Hey, i was talking about the other guy.
Ray : Silly me, what foolish mistake.
Mutant : I got a splitten headache.
(Ray draws the Saw through the Head)
Ray : Better now?

"The dialog betwen Ken and Zenden"

(Ken have killed all of Zendens men and snapps hes both Hands)
Ken : Zenden. Put her down and let her go.
Zenden : Yeah sure i put her down. By after i break her neck.
(Ken beats Zenden down after mutiple punches)
(Zenden gets up)
Zenden : Her some way to die, nice and slow. You hear me?! Cause when i fight,
it´s always to the death!
Ken : That´s right. And your´e already dead!
Zenden : Is that so?
(Zenden explodes)

Repeated line : Fist of the north star.

Bodyguard : (Laughs) Well, what have we here? Well ofcourse, you must be Lord Jagies brother. He told me you should show up sooner ore later.
Ken : Good. Then get out of my way Pig!
Bodyguard : I dont think so, not today. You see the boss told me to stop you. And nobody get through me unless i say so.
(Ken punches hes stomachs and stuck with hes hand in it)
Bodyguard : Hey, whats the matter little fella´, you got your hand stuck? Your not the first one it happens to, and you won´t be the last. You see thats why im Lord Jagies Bodyguard, he doesent like un - invited guests. And i see you dont got an inventation, then i´m afarid youre gonna´ haft to leave!
(Smashes Ken down to the ground)
Bodyguard : (Laughs) Next time, call first.

Repeated line : I´m looking for the man with 7 wounds.

Mutant : So, with all do respect. I´l let you be the one who cut he´s head of.
Ray : Thats quiet an honor. I would hate waste all your fun on my acount,
you sure about this?
Mutant : Hey, what´s friends for? Right?

Ken : You are already dead!

(First lines)
Kens Father (Narrating) : The life is a result of the struggle of dynamic opposets. Form and caos. Substance and obliveon, light and dark. And all of the infiant variations of Jing and Jang. When the pendelong swings of one
inoventioly swings back of favor of is oposete, and less of the
balance of the universe is maintained. On earth this balance was
disrubted by a nuclear holocaust, wich rented technology useles.
And devestated the planets population.

Ravens commander : Now you realy made me mad a s h o l e! (Explodes)

(Last lines)
Ken : Julia.

Jagi : (He´s head is about to explode) I AM the Fist of the north star! Your nothing, nothing do you hear?? ARGHH!! (Explodes)

Shin : I hate doing this to an old friend but im afaraid you left me no choice.

Julia : This is madness! The south cross and the Fist shouldent suposte to fight, you know that.
Shin : That was true once, but now the rules are meaningless,
(Suddenly attacks Ken) defend yourself!

Jagi : You were always tricky little brother. But i got some tricks of my own.

Rauh : Show me the power, prove that im right!

Jagi : Do us both a favour and kill my brother.

Jagi : First you lose your friend, next you lose your wife, and now you lose your life!

Jagi : (After just killed one of he´s men) The scum that dont have proper respect for their lord, don´t deserve to live.

Ken : You dont seem to be understand that you are a dead man.

Rauh : Now the final contest is in hand.

Rauh : Having strength is one thing, but knowledge how to use it is another.

Rauh : Come little brother!

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.


I think the best line came from Ray after King Rao asked who was responsible for the flower. It goes something like this....

"I did it. I take full responsibility for that action. Adding to the list of my crimes, I am friends with Ken, the man they call Fist of the North Star."


I liked that big red due with the pointy nose that was rallyign the crowd.

You're supposed to say it along with everyone else! Understand? - he them proceeds to grab the villagers head and we hear a bursting and trickling sound as the camera shifts focus.


best quote from the whole FOTNS franchise:

Ken - "You're already dead."
