MovieChat Forums > Hokuto no Ken (1991) Discussion > This is my favorite anime ever

This is my favorite anime ever

But I was dissapointed with the ending that Kenshiro didn't win. Do Kenshiro and Raoh fight again and does he win. Can someone give me a description of how it goes.


Rumor has it that the original Japanese version ends with a tie between Kenshiro and Raoh.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. It is very space. Star Trek II


in the anime tv series ken fights rao at the end kills him and rides away wit Julia on Raos horse.

thats only the end of hokuto no ken 1, there was also another series of 45 episodes or so of hokuto no ken 2



The real version {japanese version} ends with Raoh and kenshiro at a tie and both walk away . but yuria is missing.


why do us not JPN peeps get these crappy versions



Fist of the North Star, really sucks crap.

It gives anime a bad name and makes it look like anime only does violence and has nothing but r*pe I hate it plus its extremly boring.

The best anime's ever are "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "Trigun", "Cowboy Bebop", "Excel Saga", "Akira" as they are not lazily animated and all have lovable characters and fantastic messages and storylines not just 700 Million episodes worth off people heads exploding like the worlds trashiest anime Fist of the North Star does.

I found this script and IT IS REAL!

[Taken from Episode 30,000,000]

BIG STRONG BADDY: Mwuhahahahahahahahaha...I'm evil and bad lets go down there and kill those innocent people and r*pe the woman so the fans can see numerous panty and breast shot Mwuhahahahahaha....I'm so naughty and evil!

BIG STRONG BADDYS HENCHMAN: Mr. Big Strong Baddy there seems to be a big man over there I think his name is Ken, Oh no! What if he's stronger than all off us

BIG STRONG BADDY: Who won't be stronger than me

[After 7 hours off a tracking shot off Ken walking towards them]

KEN: Hello I'm Ken and I was in my house watching T.V and I heard you talk about killing and r*ping the people in my village

BIG STRONG BADDY: Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

KEN: So lets fight...

BIG STRONG BADDY: [Interupts] Mwuhahahahahahahhaha

KEN: Lets fight to the death...

BIG STRONG BADDY: [Interupts] Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahaha

KEN: Uhh


[After 15 episodes off Big Strong Baddy laughing]

BIG STRONG BADDY: So you wish to fight

KEN: Yes

[Ken touches Big Strong Baddys head causing it to explode and walks home]


"Revenge is a dish, best served cold"

"Revenge is a dish, best served cold"


I disagree, i think for its time this movie pwned and still does


reading your sig, it would appear that you've seen kill bill and like it. Watch Fist of the north star then kill bill vol 1 and 2 directly afterwards.








Greatest Anime ever, no doubt.

Why did so many of you who said the series was rubbish continue watching for another 45 episodes? Surely a few viewings is enough to make up your mind if it's for you or not?

Some people say the movie looks dated by today's standards.

Your point?

If you don't like it then there's no reason to post on this board. Nobody here is interested in the opinions of anyone who is not a fan and posts to tell us that they are not a fan. Your comments are worthless and a waste of space.






"in 1986 they had the technology to make it so the characters didn't move one frame per minute..."

Yes, and I'm glad they used that technology in the movie. Makes for great scenes like the one where Ken fights Jagi.


Its great that Fist of the North Star videos sold out across the US when it was released. Glad that the West appreciates a good movie.

"my 10 year old brother likes it," - Good, make sure he watches all 152

"I've seen many episodes" - Buy the rest on ebay

"I have seen EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN EPISODE" - OK no need to show off!

"There is the truth THE STONE COLD TRUTH" - I agree 100%, always nice to hear from a dedicated fan.
















Calm down everyone. It's true it does get repetitive in the begining mostly because the first season is full of fillers. In the manga Ken's journey to face Shin didn't take that long and there was a lot of dramatic scenes especially when Toki and Roah fought in the manga and anime series.







I've seen it dozens of times and it can get boring, but I also realize that
1) It was made in 1986
2) It tried to condense an entire series into a 90 minute movie. that's like trying to condense DBZ into a 3 hour movie.
This can't draw comparisons to something like Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop, my favorites, but all the Streamline animes from around this era were animated very much the same (81-88). It's not my favorite, but if I want to watch something that requires no brain cells, this would be it.

I'm not Stormy, I'm he who smokes b*tches!



Even Cowboy Bebop had a predictable storyline.

Dont forget the movie was a condense version of the movie so
they leave A TON of stuff that utterly leads to confusion.

As for the recycled footage other classic anime's like
Macross did it and American cartoon like He-Man.

It's a classic.


"Hillbillies??? I'm British you stupid idiot!!!! "

Me too. I feel let down by you. I always thought it was only American teenagers who talked he kind of nonsensical crap that seems to flow from your mouth like a never ending torrent of putrid diarrhea. Saying you hope someone catches aids? Only a person with aids would say that. Also, just to point out that you are lying about having seen all 152 episodes because you "tape them so your little brother can watch them" - only episodes 1 to 22 were ever shown in the UK. So either you haven't seen them, or you have made a special effort to see them. Either way you are lying. Which just proves you have aids, which you caught from having sexual intercourse with your aids riddled mother.


Sold out?...

what is it like a punk band or something

I hate to break it to you but you kinda come across as a bit of an idiot, especially with the whole dies of aids thing and your references to STONE COLD, WWE wrestling kind of things...

Do you live in a caravan?

"Hell is a place much like London"


Raoh owns Kenshiro. Ofc he won.


this is among my favorite animes....right beside ninja scoll and vampire hunter d.

if ya all want to bash an anime, why dont you pick one that actually deserves thats a big steaming pile of crap.....people how believe akira was a good movie are just listening to its hype and not really watching the movie

to all of you who mentioned the series in this thread....this is about the movie not the series,there is a board for the series,go there


"I hate to break it to you but you kinda come across as a bit of an idiot, especially with the whole dies of aids thing"

Yes Thought of Nothing is nothing more than a flaming troll, nice
to see others take notice.



the_thought_of_nothing - if it ain't broke don't fix it. So every episodes the same? And.....? Your point is?

I'm getting so bored with coming home every day to find that someone has left $1,000,000 on my door step. It's the same every day. Yawn.

I don't recall any social commentaries though. I'm quite glad about it too! What I want to see when I watch anime is a good guy kicking the bejesus out of a bad guy, over and over again. Anything else is just wasted effort. May as well go and watch Sailor Moon.



Hahaha. This thread f uckin pwns. Name-calling, e-thuggin, posts getting deleted by admins, heads exploding: That's what anime is all about. F uck that Evangina sh!t... that crap's for pussified anime geeks.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


You know what, I stopped watching anime around the time I graduated high school ten years ago because it started to take itself too freakin' seriously (Evangelion, etc). I missed the glory days when it was actually fun, with stuff like FotNS or Project A-Ko. Those are about the only two I ever dust off and watch anymore.

If I want to watch something that makes a powerful social commentary or leads me to a deeper understanding of life, I sure as hell won't go looking for it in animation whose target audience are teenage-to-twenties virgins.

Fist, at least, is a spectacle and a classic. You can't make stuff like this anymore. And A-Ko is a riot.


they used to show FOTNS on the encore action channel at like 2 am, but they never got past the Shin battle. great action anime, almost reminds me of the arcade game double dragon, with the hordes of gang underlings, all similar in appearance to there boss.

anyone seen the new FOTNS? is it any good?


that sucks.Anyway,the fight ends-both in the manga and anime serie-with Ken penetrating Raoul's asskicking aura,and the big butha realizes that ken is the master coz noone woulof done it.Then a exausted Raoul smiles,cries,hugs his lil bro and tells him the truth about Julia,whos alive and not dead.Raul gave her a couple of years to live with her Ken,then he sends him to her and immolates.Ken and Julia go away on Raoul's badass horse,and Lynn says "He will come back".And then there's FOTN 2 serie


Hell's YES!!! Fist of the North Star is a MAN's ANIME!!!!


