blurred vision

anyone know were the 1986 streamline pictures version of this film can be obtained WITHOUT that crappy blurr effect on the scenes of extreme violence. I no that in Japan it could be gotten on VCD dont no if its still available ! this is one of the greatest manga of all time

reply has the original version for download


Personally, I like the blur/negative color effect.

The scenes in which it occurs hane a unique visual style, and gives a subconscious impression that the violence is "too disturbing to watch".


I read that the original that was on Japanese Cinema, without blurring, was lost in a fire.

So thats false then?

Dawn of the Dead ยด78 is the best movie ever.


I just assumed it was some halfassed 3D effect. It used to bug me, but I don't mind it anymore. Also, Dawn of the Dead IS the best movie ever!


Hate to break it to you, but the "crappy blur effect" is in the original as well. No idea where you got the idea it was added in for the US release.

The movie's creators wanted to show the extreme violence in new and original ways, instead of just the standard style.

With the amount of deaths in the movie, it's nice to see something different instead of the same old stuff over and over and over.


The 1986 version was raw and did not contain the blur at all. Version 2 then became the official master print. Here is the truth on why the movie was edited. When the movie debuted in 1986, its was rated "All general audiences, which is the equivent of a G-rating. The PTA in Japan was outraged and the movie got censored under pressure and the remaining prints from theathers got sent backed to Toei and got burned. It is just bunch of lies that the unblurred version got burnt. The director must still have the uncensored version or Toei has it locked up in japan.

The only remaining evidence that the 1986 version was Raw is found in the japanese theatrical trailer, which is on You Tube.


ive seen the orginal trailer on youtube, you will see that the scene which is cut in the american release, is clear here, with a graphic scene of a mans head being diced in three ways..i NEED TO GET THE FULL VERSION OF THIS DAMN AWESOME MOVIE,
