MovieChat Forums > Hokuto no Ken (1991) Discussion > I saw this when I was 6 yrs so...

I saw this when I was 6 yrs some questions.

I may have seen this a couple times, but I remember seeing it for the first time when I was really young...6 to 8 years old. I don't really remember much except these things:

There's a girl and she is being stepped on, yet somehow she is repelling the foot.

There's some kind of a plant that someone is trying to protect.

There's a man, he pokes his finger into people, says "You're already dead," and then they explode.

Now please confirm that these instances are from this movie. This is probably the first anime I've seen. Now, if these aren't from this movie, anyone know what it's from? Because these images were haunting to me (and that's why I still remember them after all these years). This is what I get for watching it so young. Thanks to the older brothers for introducing me. I've lost touch with anime in the past years. Should I rent this and rewatch it?


You should definetly do that! This is a masterpiece! Atleast the US/UK version.

I think you picked right. There is a flower in some focus, yes.
But Ken does punches and kicks all the time. That he punch, its explode shortly after. But the phrase "You are already dead" is used sometimes by Ken.
But the first memory matches exacly. She get steped on on this and she succed to stop the Foot from crushing her. So it must be the right movie i say.

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.


you should simply rent the whole anime serie,which is actually much depper and accurate than this movie.Its a cool one,but it only covers 1/3 of the Kenshiro saga


Yeah, I thought so. Thanks.


they don't do em like this anymore >_<

Animes now are just ninjas, and lub lub. Then, it was Pure POWAH!!

Raoh FTW!!!!!!!!!!!


U watched this when u were 6? I don't really think it's kinda appropriate for that age, didn't all the violence and gore freak u out?

It is an awesome film thou.

"Like Kane in Kung-Fu"


My brothers showed me this when I was about 8. It really did scare me, as did Akira and a few other mangas which I saw at a young age.

Considering one of my brothers was 14 at the time, I think he should have known better than to let me watch something like this. Oh well.


It would have freaked me out for sure. I saw the first part of the TV - Series around that age, and even it feelt hard for me then. Series violence as i have seen is much moore tuned down, and it was a cut version aswell.

Dawn of the Dead ´78 is the best movie ever.

