Has anyone bought it yet? I'm wondering about the picture and sound quality.

Watch my short film THE: Vampire Hunter


Mine came in the mail yesterday.

The picture is pretty amazing. I had this on VHS a long time ago, and it looked worse than the other movies I had (Akira, Wicked City, and Ninja Scroll).

There are a few scenes that look like VHS quality converted to DVD. I think these are the added scenes that were cut from the earlier releases. They only last a second or two and almost always show someones head exploding.

I was very surprised by the picture quality. I don't think you'll be disappointed.


I'd like to know more about the scenes that appear to be in VHS quality. My old VHS copy from Streamline had these violent scenes appearing to be inserted from a different format also; some of the crazier violence also shifts into a desaturated "brown and white" color scheme.

The weird thing is, I don't recall ever seeing a version WITHOUT these scenes.

I wonder why these shots appear so odd?


Its because they're edited.

In the original theatrical, the weird psychadelic color blends and video saturations didn't occur, the body explosions were fully shown.

In all subsequent video releases, the violence has been slightly toned down with these strange after effects.

Only one version of the DVD has ever used the original theatrical master to transfer without the edits

I think its the Italian DVD, but I'm not sure. I'm actually on this board trying to see if anyone else knows which version of the DVD features the perefect Master translation.

Edit: Research over the last couple days tells me no such DVD exists. An Italian VHS has a partially unedited film, with no censorship on SHin torturing Ken, and Ken vs Zeed's men.

It seems the Master print is deemed lost.


"Mine came in the mail yesterday.

The picture is pretty amazing. I had this on VHS a long time ago, and it looked worse than the other movies I had (Akira, Wicked City, and Ninja Scroll).

There are a few scenes that look like VHS quality converted to DVD. I think these are the added scenes that were cut from the earlier releases. They only last a second or two and almost always show someones head exploding.

I was very surprised by the picture quality. I don't think you'll be disappointed."

These shots are most likely the same scenes that were blurred in the other releases.

I've been trying to find a copy but it is not available at any store.


"Mine came in the mail yesterday.

The picture is pretty amazing. I had this on VHS a long time ago, and it looked worse than the other movies I had (Akira, Wicked City, and Ninja Scroll).

There are a few scenes that look like VHS quality converted to DVD. I think these are the added scenes that were cut from the earlier releases. They only last a second or two and almost always show someones head exploding.

I was very surprised by the picture quality. I don't think you'll be disappointed."

These shots are most likely the same scenes that were blurred in the other releases.

I've been trying to find a copy but it is not available at any store.


Picture quality is amazing (I can't stress enough how good it looks) and the sound is good on both audio tracks (Though considerably better quality in the JP track). The only problem is the subtitle translation which is completely off half the time. The Chinese bootlegs floating around actually have a better translation than this new DVD. That part is incredibly disappointing but the DVD is still worth picking up nonetheless.


You're kidding right? The Chinese bootleg subtitles are HORRIBLE. the "unintentionally hilarious" kind of way.


Didn't even know there was a new DVD out. I've seen other dvd versions but those were just VHS transfers, and bad ones at that. I'm hoping to check out this new one you're talking about.


Can someone provide a link?

I've been trying to find the original anime full length 1986 animated movie on DVD for ages and all I can find is the TV series.



i wish it would come out on blu ray

you will have to forgive the lack of full stops lack of proper spelling im dyslexic but not stupid
