worst DBZ movie ive seen

This movie is completely lopsided, on broly's side, until the end when they all give goku their energy, and all of a sudden hes dominant, even though it didnt work when they all tried to fight broly at the same time, which isnt the same thing as giving ut all to goku. Dumb. Fights are not exciting. New characters are not interesting to me. Vegeta is borderline my fav character and hes a complete bitch in this movie. That pissed me off. And blah blah blah im rambling idk the moviev is just so fuxking bad. :(



This movie doesn't follow battle of God logic. Battle of God wasn't even thought of


Question: How is Vegeta already not a complete bitch? No seriously, I'm actually curious how you don't see it. Vegeta has a slew of henchmen on his kill list, and he gets his ass kicked in every major fight. So how is he any different here?

I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats.


He doesn't even try in this one, he just shudders in awe the whole time. Atleast he usually has a sweet fight and epically fails.


He does try eventually. You gotta look at it from Vegeta's perspective. The Legendary Super Saiyan is a kind of religious figure for him. Now, the thing he grew worshiping as something of a god has appeared, and it's here to kick his ass. You'd be crapping your pants in terror if god himself showed up to kick your ass.

Funny enough, Vegeta has basically the same reaction when actual god does show up to kick some ass. I guess Vegeta had a god phobia, but he has recently gotten over it...kinda. He'd probably crap his pants in fear if Zeno got even a little bit angry. At this point, I THINK he might be able to beat Beerus, but that's a major assumption. I'm still not clear on how powerful that blue transformation makes him, or how powerful Black and Zamasu were compared to Beerus. I don't wanna go into any more detail than that if you haven't seen Super at all. First couple sagas were bleh, but it really picked up after the rehash of Revival of F.

I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats.


Just watching super every weekend with the dub. The rehashing is ridiculous. I thought Super was jumpstarted by the new movies and they would be in canon with it. So now I'm just waiting until after Frieza for the show to actually start.
