The Mystery of the Macross

In the Japanese version of the Macross universe, was it ever revealed where the Super Dimensional Fortress came from and why it was sent to Earth, or why the Zentradi were so intent on capturing it intact?


Not that i remember no. I think they just wanted the technology back. It has been awhile since i watched MAcross like but it's never stated in an obvious way as to why they want it.


it's complicated, but i'll try to boil it down:
you know the Protoculture, right? the beings who created Overtechnology and Zentraedi? they were working on an experiment, to harness energy (see the macross compendium) efficiently. they were using a Zentraedi like body of soldiers to maximize energy output, or spiritia. This experiment went REALLY awry and they had to shut it down. but they were unsucessful. these super Zentraedi with enormous energy reserves started taking over. they started taking over other Zentraedi (see macross 7). this force, called the Supervision Army (S.A.), started fighting the Protoculture and their police force, the Zentraedi. they were so effective in using Overtechnology against the Protoculture that the Protoculture had to stop using reaction weapons like the Main Gun on the SDF-1, because if they did, the energy, or spiritia, could be sucked up by the S.A.. They (the S.A.) started destroying many of the automated factories that produced the Zentraedi's weapons. The Protoculture, unable to use "Reflex Weapons" and Overtechnology, just kind of disintegrated. The Zentraedi, ordered not to interact with Protoculture (also meaning Culture other than fighting) or "microns", kept fighting with the Supervision Army. Since all the Zentraedi know how to do is fight (that's what they were designed for), and they weren't required to keep up or know how to build weapons (thanks to the automated weapons factories) and the Supervision Army could (repair and build things, such as Reflex Weapons), the SDF-1, which is 1.) a S.A. ship (enemies) and 2.)has a Reflex Weapon/Reaction Weapon onboard is extremely valuable to the Zentraedi. with possession of the SDF-1, they could find out how to make more reflex weapons, and also reproduce the ship, once they got it to a weapons factory sattelite.

the SDF-1 came to earth by accident. the S.A. crew manning it were fleeing from the Zentraedi, and crash landed on earth.
oh, and by the way? the Protoculture came to earth about a half a million years ago and screwed with our ancestors genes (primates) to make us.

I hope I've answered your question.


yep that pretty much sums it up. I would recommend getting all of Macross series just to know the fully story of macross.


*This is meant for elf242*
I don't wanna be a nag, but this whole text- area is quite messy.
You should really begin a sentence with capital letters, else it might get confusing, since you punctuate and directly used common letters afterwards.

Also, as an sidenote, spacing between line is appreceated. That way it's more easely readable.

*Oh, just in case someone else tries to be an smarta$$; I hadn't slept for over 24 hours when I wrote this, so it's bound to be lot's and lot's of misspellings...*

"-For crying out loud..." *Jack O'Neill - Stargate SG1*
You might hate me for it, but atleast I'm honest.


I don't know if the SA ship that became the Macross had a crew though. (I've never seen Macross 7, so if there was something in that which explained this, then I recant). In fact, I was under the impression that it was a derelict ship that was drifting in hyper/subspace and just happened to crash on Earth with no crew aboard.
There's also a suggestion in the episode where they capture the factory satellite that the SA was intentionally leaving ships derelict or crashed onto planets in the hope that the Zentraedi might come to investigate and get destroyed by their automated systems.


I seriously hate to answer your 4-year old post but you've made quite a mess with the story. You have the Frankenstein story from Robotech, and mixed it into the original Macross universe.
