How is Isaura now?

Actress Lucélia Santos (slave Isaura) has just come back to Brazilian TV and now (August, 2006) is taping the soap "Cidadão Brasileiro" (something like "Brazilian Citizen"), by Lauro César Muniz.
The soap takes place in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, and she plays Fausta, an ambicious lady which has a romance with Antonio, a younger man (Gabriel Braga Nunes).
I imagine that Record Network will sell this soap for foreigner television soon.
For Escrava Isaura's fans, look this: in the cast of Cidadão Brasileiro, there's another actress of Escrava Isaura cast, Léa Garcia, the slave Rosa, Isaura's rival.

If you want to see photos of Isaura actress in her newer work (Cidadão Brasileiro), cut and paste the links above (only in Portuguese):


CIDADÃO BRASILEIRO OFFICIAL SITE (search for "Personagens" and "Fausta")

Bye, friends.
Márcio, Brazil.


I would like to get the series again, maybe in CD or VHS. Do you know if it is available to buy or download???


Is this the same one where the voices are dubbed over? I think I remember seeing this one but it was in spanish. Isn't it originally Brazilian?
