How did they do that?

I don't remember this series alot, but i remember an episode where the boys are actually talking to Marshall and Simon from the original!!! How did they do that??? especially as marshall and simon don't look any diffrent to how they used to!!

By popular demand, Miss Gigi Van Tranh is elected MISS SAIGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ye i remember that i was just trying to think to myself i thought they started the series with a cross over

I've done everything you asked me to do SO WHY WONT YOU DO THIS! Down The Hatch 815


I just watched the first episode again yesterday and yea they do speak to them in the first episode through a TV.
All the creators did though was got a scene with the original series, a scene with the two actors looking directly at the screen and made the picture scramblerly and got two voice actors in who sounded like them to talk over them.
Its pretty obvious that they did that. Cause the original two would have aged a bit.

hope that made snese, it was hard trying to put it into words.


It was clips from the halloween episode, the one where Simon's brother gets sucked into the TV, theres several shots of them looking into the TV and talking to him (the camera as the TV's Point of view) and they just edited the video to synch with the vid.

Was it worth waiting a year for a reply? lol.


I enjoyed the tactic they used to pass the torch from one demention of Eerie to the next, using the orginal Marshall and Simon.


I enjoyed the original series more than this one.

Although, I suppose respect is due for bringing Marshall and Simon into the mix, if only for a brief moment.

Night Watch/Day Watch fan site -


Was just reading this post and forgot I'd started it!
5 years, wow this series was never as popular as its predecessor!


marshall and simon aren't the only thing brought over into this different series from the original. there was an episode that aired prior to the original being canceled. not sure which one, somewhere between episode 16-19. but one of the characters on that show points out that eerie is about to get a new cable installer or something along those lines.

jump to the first episode of EI:TOD and you have a cable/satellite installer who is from the originally Eerie and is jumping from one dimension to the other. it makes me wonder.
