
While neither the Lynch version nor the Sci-Fi Channel version did a proper job with the 'thopters, the SFC version was far, far cooler than Lynch's (Ye Gods, that one was ugly!).

I've searched around for renderings that have the long graceful flapping wings of the novels, and these are the best I've seen...

Dune Ornithopter by Roaring | 3DM3

Dune Ornithopter Concept Sketch by Ron Cobb
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eqwjhQW87j0/Ta5BD6nUgWI/AAAAAAAAE38/HgN7Uqq5 XYA/s1600/Ornithopter.jpg

Dune ornithopter by ilya-b on deviantART

http://orbitalvector.com/Aircraft/Ornithopter/The_Dawn_of_the_Ornithop ter_by_Doug_Ollivier.jpg


Yes, that is one of the rare aspects where the mini did a better job than the film, IMHO.

Those are some nice renditions.
