MovieChat Forums > Dune (2000) Discussion > What if they did Dune as a theatre trilo...

What if they did Dune as a theatre trilogy?

Not "Dune, DM and CoD" as a trilogy, but rather break up the original "Dune" book into three movies and then dedicated a good 2 hours minimum on each one? I think it would be fantastic, as it would really give enough time to focus intently on all the most important aspects of the book. This miniseries trilogy wasn't half bad, but so much could be done with that extra time and extra legitimacy of a bigger budget spent on better talent?

Perhaps they could even go the "LOTR" route, and make some seriously long and detailed movies, then edit them down for more mass appeal at the box office, while releasing the extended version to the faithful on dvd?

Hell, in Fantasy Land, we could even get Lynch to direct the new trilogy. I know he never would in reality, but none of this is ever going to happen in reality, so why not dream a little more?



It's already been done. SciFi had a Dune miniseries - six hours over three nights. It was a fairly decent rendition of the books, much more faithful than this piece of crap movie. You can get it on DVD.



Yes, I KNOW.

The mini was better than the movie - much more faithful to the book, and fits your defintion. What's the problem?


The mini series rocked.



Actually, once you take out the commercials, it's only 1.5 hours per night, for a total of 4.5 hours. Also, it was shot in a warehouse with poor CGI and actors of mixed quality (some great, some not). I loved it, as it was phenominal for a tv miniseries, yet I can't help but shake my head at the unfortunate set of circumstances which makes an A-list-caliber Dune impossible.


There ARE rumors of a trilogy of the original book going around. The mini series was ok but i prefer the film. I know the tv series wwas closer to the book at least the film didn't have those fake desert backdrop paintings which ruined it for a lot of people


Spielbergs WOTW is an insult to Hg Wells! LotRings 11 Oscars, King Kong 3 Oscars, WotW 0


Where have you heard these rumors? Honestly, I'm very suspicious, as it seems totally unfeasable. I wish it were true, but I gotta say I don't think Hollywood (or anyone, really) will have the cajones to do this one again for, say, 30 years.


Where have you heard these rumors? Honestly, I'm very suspicious, as it seems totally unfeasable. I wish it were true, but I gotta say I don't think Hollywood (or anyone, really) will have the cajones to do this one again for, say, 30 years

Do a google search and look at the official Dune site. i think there were some rumors on there! It definately seems to be being in discussion.

Spielbergs WOTW is an insult to Hg Wells! LotRings 11 Oscars, King Kong 3 Oscars, WotW 0


Yea, instead of fake backdrops we had a stupid storyline of weirding modules, heart plugs, and that stupid heavy RAIN at the end of the movie - just two small examples of how this resembled the book basically by the title and names of the characters.


Yea, instead of fake backdrops we had a stupid storyline of weirding modules, heart plugs, and that stupid heavy RAIN at the end of the movie - just two small examples of how this resembled the book basically by the title and names of the characters.

In other words they both had their faults but i just thought the film was better done. the 1st mini series was a huge disappointment and a wasted opportunity to do the book full justice.

Spielbergs WOTW is an insult to Hg Wells! LotRings 11 Oscars, King Kong 3 Oscars, WotW 0


I totally agree, the feature film Dune was pretty bad. But that's not what I'm talking about.


I know where your comeing from, and I completely agree. A full film production, as accurate to the novels as the TV miniseries would be amaseing. A good 3 hour production would likely be enough to capture everything needed for it, and then we could infact include the sequals DM and CoD (yes I know this isn't what you originaly ment, but it would be damn cool) at a later date done in the same fasion. Perhaps they could even each be done by a new director to make the movie series even more original. (keep the same writers and actors though, err well, actors when there arn't millenia sized gaps ^^;)

Although it would likely be an inconsivible project, I think if it had the proper financial backing, it could be great.


The problem with the mimi-series is that it is only TV quality, its not good enough for this book. This book needs top quality writers, actors, production value, and special effects. And it needs a director who really knows the material. I think the best way to bring this back is as one really long movie, im talking at least 4 hours. Then have one shorter film for Messiah and one more for Children. (though id liek to see a revised ending on children, it could ahve ended better)


apropos of little else besides the comparisons between the Sci-Fi miniseries and the 1984 version, I can only imagine what would have happened if Alejandro Jodorowski had actually managed to successfully come up with his 10-14 hour version of the film back when he was the director attached to DUNE in the early-mid 70's

Salvador Dali was cast in the role of The Padishah Emperor, if you can believe that.

If you though Lynch's version was a crazy (if perversely beautiful) mess, i can only imagine what sort of magnificent disaster Jodorowski would have unleashed


David Lynch again? NO, he ruined Dune and he even hates it.

"Here's My Invitation"-True Lies.



No. More. Movies.

I would however countenance a full series, perhaps on the scale of Babylon 5, that took the story from Dune right through to Chapter House.
