MovieChat Forums > The War Zone (1999) Discussion > Oh god I remember this horrible film

Oh god I remember this horrible film

I was at Northwestern's video library 3 or 4 years ago and just picked this up at random because I liked the title. OH MY GOD. NOOOOOOOOOOO


What was bad about the film?

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss
Where I now dwell with foes alone


Well, I suspect most people find the spectacle of huge slobbering Ray Winstone sodomising delicate little flower Lara Belmont to be less than scenic.

I mean, it's MEANT to be a horrible film. I can't blame people for finding it unwatchable on those terms.


a "bad or horrible movie" and a "movie depicting bad acts" are two entirely separate issues to me.

Most people consider something like Schindler's List a masterpiece, yet it depicts horrific acts and genocide!

Then this movie or maybe IN THE COMPANY OF MEN are horrible because they depict bad people too? Hmm.

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss
Where I now dwell with foes alone


I think you're probably splitting hairs, don't you? It's quite possible for a film to contain horrible scenes and to therefore be 'horrible, without it being morally horrible in the sense you're insisting on as the only usage of the term.


Sorry, when I said "horrible", I meant the content, not the movie itself.


I know this film was meant to be horrible - given the subject matter, how could it not be?

But my god how boring. Endless shots of tom walking too and from the house, minutes and minutes of silence with nothing going on and personally i think Tom & Jess were terrible.

this film wasn't realistic when dealing with emotional issues. How many times have you walked into a room, stood still and stared at someone without saying a word?

Overall, to me, the filmed just seemed to pretentious rather than anything else. Almost as if it was desperately trying to be an art movie, and not quite succeeding and hanging somewhere in the balance.


combatreview said:

"the spectacle of huge slobbering Ray Winstone sodomising delicate little flower Lara Belmont to be less than scenic"

"huge slobbering Ray Winstone" funniest thing I've read all day! LOL.
