Incest flick





I didn't see the relationship between brother and sister as innapropriate. I thought it was quite natural that the two would cling to eachother more intensely than a typical brother and sister, as the two were trapped together in a terrifying and confusing situation, and only had eachother. I see no problem with them touching eachother and being nude around eachother, it seemed totally innocent. The relationship between these two is the most beautiful and innocent thing about this otherwise ugly and horrifying World that these characters live in. And if it was not for her brother, Jessie would not have survived, or escaped her situation.



actually i heard that in the book they do have sex.. but on top of that if u cut out the fact that she sits there with her tits hanging out infront of him they dont go past anyting that normal close brother and sisters go for instance many brother and sisters will wrestle and tickle eachother the only wierd thing is her sitting there naked infront of him and the fact that he kept watching his father sexualy asault her
