The Title

It really annoys me when people use a title for a movie that's already been used. To make matters worse, it's the same subject matter. Can't they be original? It's not like it's a remake.

"Geeze, we got it. Circle... Angry... Kill, kill, kill. Go to church already!" -Cordelia


You are talking about Hollywood.

There is nothing original nor creative about Hollywood anymore.

They will rip off anything they can.

They will make movies from other movies, books, video games, TV series....

No originality there anymore.

Countless movies are either remakes, rip offs, or sequels.

We can't even come up with original TV series.
American Idol, rip off.
Big Brother, rip off.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.


There isn't much originality in Hollywood.

Especially when you have how many thousands or millions of movies made already.

If you don't have much to begin with, then you don't have much to lose.

