Was this good?

Was this movie good? I havnt heard much about it but Im planning on seeing it. Why is it rated R? And I was just wondering, Im a Josh Hartnett fan and I was wondering if he was in it quite a bit? Thanks!

Josh Hartnett <3


This movie is great - haven't you heard?? See it right away.


Alrighty, Ill have to rent it then!

Josh Hartnett <3
Christian Bale <3


He's *beep* with you.


I honestly don't understand the harshness that this movie has gotten. I have seen this movie three times and I think it's really very funny! I thought the script (co-written by Buck Henry) had some truly witty moments and some of the situations I thought were kind of GOLDEN. I also really enjoyed the score by Rolfe Kent. The cast gave it their all and I enjoyed the film every time I saw it. Maybe it's because I was in the company of my parents...I don't know. We were HOWLING. To each their own, I guess.

I personally think that the movie is underrated. It IS. Who gives a crap about how much money the studio lost? That has nothing to do with the script and the actors (who all seemed to have a good time) and the general fun of the picture. This is far from one of the worst movies ever. Oh, please. Perhaps some didn't like the casting. Perhaps you have to be in the right mood? I don't know. I didn't find anything objectionable nor did I find much disappointment in what I saw.

Was this good? I thought it was and I still think it is.


I don't understand the ripping this movie took either. I think sometimes people get wrapped up in what others are saying and just jump in on the fun. I can see how that would be easy with an irritating cast like this movie has (Beatty, Shandling, Hawn - overexposed....). I rented this flick one night a long time ago and knew nothing about it. It was funner than your average comedy at that time and I actually ended up renting it again to show a friend, and then just went ahead and bought a copy. I did all that without knowing the horrible backstory behind the movie. When I came on imdb I was pretty baffled. Another factor may be the type of humor - some of it is borderline corny, but there are lots of subtle little bits here and there that add volume but might get missed if you aren't really into the movie. I don't really even like Gary Shandling (his face sucks - it always looks like he is trying not to crap his pants) but he is really funny in this movie - if Gary Shandling can be funny to me then I'd have to call the movie a success!


I join the list of those who enjoyed it. I saw it a while ago, so cannot go into details, but I enjoyed it very much, as it has happened with other three of four motion pictures directed by Peter Chelsom that I have seen ("Hear My Song", "The Mighty", "Serendipity", "Funny Bones"... I hope he will get over from his Hollywood mistakes.
