MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > Dr. Jennifer Melfi quotes

Dr. Jennifer Melfi quotes

But that's the friend who was almost carried off by the ducks, right?



Clady please review my comment to you, that you two idiots neglected to answer in any way

Hahahah what i find hilarious is that you two would burn me at the stake if yous had the opportunity, how again do i follow you around, i respond to the first threads on the boards b/c you idiots bump them constantly. Also, seriously not to split hairs, but the only way you would know if this is true:
And he did the same thing to Gyp when he was here. is if either you are in fact hesh and/or gyp or you yourself follow me around.

These constant quote threads are obnoxious. What it really comes down to is that the threads themselves arent hated in any way, which is what you two idiots dont understand, but quite like anything in life when used to excess the threads lose their luster and are meaningless.

If i were to tell you that every now and again a thread about funny Tony S Tony B Phil etc, quote would be well accepted, but no one wants it waved in their face like you two do.

Funny how Hesh and I get so much attention by just creating a few quote threads.
is that what its all about for you, attention?
Im sorry you dont get enough of it elsewhere and your career in the medical field isnt fulfilling
go peddle your sympathy elsewhere you loser

Terrible....take a lap



Quick Clady0928 throw in another quote maybe I won't notice!!

Terrible....take a lap


I think coming to therapy with him has stirred up a lot of feelings in you


I think coming to therapy with him has stirred up a lot of feelings in yo

writing the script to my life i see

what adventures will i get into this week hesh you little sweetheart you

last week was going to a psych

the week before was dealing with mountain dew addiction

whats this week...?

Terrible....take a lap



Hesh continue to play dumb, we all know if it werent for sopranos script extension Gyp woulda taken you out back and put you out of your misery a long time ago

Terrible....take a lap



Suffering from memory loss

i saw your amanda kim thread where you forgot to take out all the jargon from the site.

You know it, i could careless if you admit it, because i saw it as did others.

you valiantly treid to make a new thread of the same name, and quote for that matter

He says he can hook us up with ginseng, fake rhino, nerve tea, all that herbal sh-t.

all i did was google search and sopranos script extension comes up.

eerie coincidence

Terrible....take a lap



Hesh just stop this playing dumb routine, you know what im talking about

you made the thread
you deleted the thread

you are a loser,

The jargon?
was more lik {sopranos script}

You have no credibility on this board, so nobody will believe you. You make websites for christ's sake lol.


Credibility, its funny you should accuse me of having none, im not even dignifying that with a comeback.

which website maam, sopranos script extension. I can assue i do not have the technological prowess to make a website.

nice try heshette

maybe the next quote you come up will not be from your bible

Terrible....take a lap



Hesh you literally described exactly what I did

What aren't you getting

I know how afraid you are about opening up links but jeez man I didn't know you would take that this far

Just stop being dumb and you'll get support

It's very easy little heshy

Terrible....take a lap



Re: Dr. Jennifer Melfi quotes

by woodntuliketoknow » 1 hour ago (Wed Mar 5 2014 11:48:22) Flag ▼ | Edit ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since February 2011
Quick Clady0928 throw in another quote maybe I won't notice!!

Terrible....take a lap

Again cLADY0928?
But atleast your helping the unfortunate bless you fighting heshes battles for her

Terrible....take a lap


Why would you do that? The Prozac seems to be working.





I'm interested in why you're ending it











"Let me start here."


"And then we can pick up where we left off."


"Do you think making hamburger out of me would make you feel better."












"jes jesus je seus ro seussi hay sus ro seussi je ss ro si jes us je si je si jesus ros si hay si jesus ussi"


"And you accepted them?"

