MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > Help with a Johnny Sack quote

Help with a Johnny Sack quote

I like Johnny Sack quotes because of his exaggerated acting...

It was a quote Gyp posted about marzipan flowers. I always loved that quote. It makes me laugh. Perhaps some help with the quote Gyp? And maybe which episode?




type it into Sopranos script extension, and start doing things for yourself little heshette

Terrible....take a lap


Woodntuliketoknow... Since I don't know what website you are talking about... do it for me, slavegirl. Show me you actually have some sort of worth to me and this board.


How did you find imdb?

Use those same steps and figure it out

Jesus is your parra on break or something

Terrible....take a lap


You're not being a good girl today, wood. Show this board you have any kind of worth and are capable of backing up this claim of the Sopranos Script Extension website that apparently only you have heard of.


Taking m insults now as well heshette

Use your brain it's a wonderful tool

I hope your parra gets back soon

Terrible....take a lap


My brain is works perfectly.

My brain just can't comprehend your junior high writing level, grammatical errors, and sentence structure.

Once you can learn to write like an adult, then maybe I can have a conversation with you and communicate with you.


Btw, wood. Have you ever used the feature in Microsoft Word called the, "Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level". I'm guessing you're right at that junior high level. That is, if Word can even comprehend your horrific writing.


So you pose a question to me
And then say you don't want to talk to me

And you think my brain doesn't work

Go bac to being gyps lapdog at least you don't make a complete tool out of yourself that way

Nice try heshette

Re: Help with a Johnny Sack quote

by Hesh3 » 3 minutes ago (Wed Mar 12 2014 10:12:43) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since December 2013
Btw, wood. Have you ever used the feature in Microsoft Word called the, "Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level". I'm guessing you're right at that junior high level. That is, if Word can even comprehend your horrific writing.

Never hear of it but you seem well versed with it

Terrible....take a lap


My brain is works perfectly.

My brain just can't comprehend your junior high writing level, grammatical errors, and sentence structure.

Once you can learn to write like an adult, then maybe I can have a conversation with you and communicate with you.
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level = 7.5


Hesh notice that I don't call you dumb

Your posts speak volumes about your idiocy

Terrible....take a lap


Of course it's 7.5, Newboob. I'm on a message board communicating with all you lower-level readers. I'd love to communicate here on a higher level, but obviously most people here wouldn't understand it.


Ok you're at a 7.5 grade reading level makes a yon of sense

Glad to know what we r working with, with you hesh

Terrible....take a lap


LOL @ Wood!!

It's not calculating your reading level, dummy. Hahahahaha.

Unfortunatley for you, woodntuliketoknow, you keep proving over and over your reading comprehension is even lower than a junior high level. If you did have a decent level of reading comprehension, you could actually engage in this conversation. For now, let the grown-ups talk. Mmmmm k, little girl?


Btw, wood. Have you ever used the feature in Microsoft Word called the, "Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level". I'm guessing you're right at that junior high level. That is, if Word can even comprehend your horrific writing.
Of course it's junior high, Hesherina. He's on a message board communicating with all you lower-level socks. He'd love to communicate here on a higher level, but obviously you trolls here wouldn't understand it.

Hey! I didn't write the ending. I just understood it.



Here you go gaypet,

"Hesh, why do you keep calling yourself smart? Why do you keep talking down other people's, "horrible writing", like you are some sort of English phenom?

If I remember correctly, you don't even know the difference between a simile, metaphor, or an idiom. You have constantly proven to everyone on the board just how stupid you are. Furthermore, just to top it off, you come here and talk about how smart you are.

If GypRosseti is a joke, then you are the punchline."

There you go, buddy. Corrected ten mistakes in your post. : )


Having Microsoft word correct it doesnt count

Terrible....take a lap


Sorry, wood, Microsoft's spell checker can't correct the mistakes I just corrected.

Nice try, friend. Now please, let the grown-ups talk here. We're trying to have a conversation. Go back to playing, "Flappy Bird". Special ed kids like yourself love that game!


Apparently you can't read
Retread what was written
I'll wait for your parra

Terrible....take a lap



Actually it's way more than 10. Read carefully.

I'll be glad to point them out to you if you'd like.


Hesh, notice how i dont need to resort to name calling with you

you drag your own name through the mud enough here

Terrible....take a lap


Wood, notice nobody is talking to you?



Hesh didn't you just reply to me ?

Keep making yourself look dumb

Terrible....take a lap



I actually made four corrections within your first two sentences alone . When I get home from work, I will gladly bold and italicizes each of your pathetic mistakes. Would take too long on my phone.





Incorrect: Hesh why do you keep calling yourself smart?

Correct: Hesh, why do you keep calling yourself smart? (1)

Incorrect: Why do you keep talking down other people's "horrible writing" like you are some sort of english phenom?

Correct: Why do you keep talking down other people's, "horrible writing", like you are some sort of English phenom? (2,3,4)

Incorrect: you don't even know the difference between a simile, a metaphor, and an idiom.

Correct: you don't even know the difference between a simile, metaphor, or an idiom. (5,6)

Incorrect: Didn't need to enter a new paragraph (7)

Incorrect: AND THEN, just to top it off, you come here and talk about how smart you are.

Correct: Furthermore, just to top it off, you come here and talk about how smart you are. (8,9,10,11) (Did not need to enter a new paragraph here, use all caps, begin the sentence with 'and', or combine the words 'and then')


So by becoming the board grammar nazi you fully admit that you know nothing about the show and you are just trolling

Thanks hesnazi

why dont you just leave and stop embarrassing yourself.

This is the internet, not The New York Times, know the difference.

Terrible....take a lap


This coming from you, you dork, who always bashes people's grammar.

Look out wood, I think the guys behind you are throwing paper wads at you again!! LOL


When do i bash peoples grammar, there are several instances of you doing it in this thread heshette come on now

Youre terrible

Terrible....take a lap


Just want to thank Gyp again for answering my question and not being a troll like all you losers did to me.

Follow Gyp's example boys. Not everyone who posts here needs to he's troll.


What response, you are an idiot, unless you havent heard of the internet (hint you are on it) you would know how to find that out

the onyl reason you would ask such a question is to troll.

come on now your parra has supper ready for you, you special guy

Terrible....take a lap





Waynetech... You asked me to correct it. You moron. lol.

And, like duuahhh... English is always capitalized.

I am more of a fan of APA myself. MLA is very outdated.

And I really don't care how people compose their words on a message board, but you brought it on yourself. Hate to break it to ya, kid.

And don't be so defensive. You just prove and admit that you are wrong.








Thank you, Gyp. That's a great quote that only Johnny Sack could deliver in his tone.

Ironic how some if us can't start an on-topic thread without it immediately being trolled by the idiot apes around here.


Hesh wipe gyps semen0928 off your face

Terrible....take a lap



Hey waynetech... Take lessons from Migilicuty and contribute something to a thread.


glad to help on matters involving the show.

the quote is :"did u pick up the birthday cake for ginny? the one with the marzipan flowers?"

Did anyone else catch the episode tonight on HBO? This quote was on the episode tonight!!! Yay!



Thank you, Gyp. That's a great quote that only Johnny Sack could deliver in his tone.

Ironic how some if us can't start an on-topic thread without it immediately being trolled by the idiot apes around here.
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 6.4






This is still one of my fav quotes. Thanks for the assistance as always, Gyp!







