talk shows?

I'm thinking about getting this because I am extremely fascinated with this whole story and I was wondering if any of the talk show episodes with the club kids are in the documentary. I saw one with Joan Rivers on youtube and it was really interesting. I like seeing all the club kids dressed up in their crazy costumes and am hoping they show a lot of that in the documentary.


i remember seeing footage from 2 of the outlaw parties one at a dounut shop or was it a Burger King (leigh bowery w/toilet seat) the other in the subway. i'll have to watch it again to see if there's any talk show footage. as far as seeing the kids dresed up well there's plenty of that.

the terror alert color has been raised to my hot-pink Manolo Blahniks


They were also on Jane Whitney, a really good segment with Michael, Walt Paper, and Richie Rich. They had to share a stage with that filthy pig G.G. Alin! It is a crazeeee show, go see it on
