John Laroquette?

I know who he is.... I know this movie (like the back of my hand I might add)... and I don't remember seeing him in this movie! It says he played Maury Manning, but I don't remember him in this movie! Someone please help me... thanks.

Jesse Taylor
"Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you!" - Julianne Moore from Magnolia


John Laroquette did not have much screen time as Maury Manning. He was the married guy who dumped Jackie, early in the film, & left his rubber chicken in the bed.


~ It was nice too see John Laroquette in this movie but too bad he had a brief scene & very small dialog. But as Maury Manning he had the craziest get up.



"A prayer for the wild at
heart kept in cages

— Tennessee Williams
[American Playwriter]
