Ethel Merman mentioned?

It's been a while since I saw this film (I saw it in the theater and never since then). Was Jacqueline's relationship with Ethel Merman ever mentioned in this film? I just don't remember it if so. Seems like that could have given the movie some needed life.


No it wasn't. I didn't even know that Jacqueline Susann had a relationship with Ethel Merman. That would have made this story so much better. They would have had to have a top quality actress play Ethel Merman, also. That would have made a great movie. Good thinking Unicycle.

Jesse Taylor
"Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you!" - Julianne Moore from Magnolia


There was no mention of Ethel Merman, or Doris Day who was very good friends with Jacqueline Susann.


Ethel Merman and Jacqueline Susann were indeed friends, and she is the basis for the Helen Lawson character in Valley of the Dolls.

Merman is a character in Scandalous Me, the movie made for cable with Michelle Lee as Jacqueline Susann, which is much better and mure faithful to the writer's real life.


I could imagine Bette playing Merman. It would have been better than her Susann.


bette did the tv version of 'gypsy'


After doing some research, Susann's "relationship" with Ethel Merman is alledged. But I would totally by it if Merman was the basis for the character of Hellen Lawson in Valley of the Dolls.

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!


I was under the impression that the Stockard Channing role, Florence Maybelle, was based on Ethel Merman. Merman made comments about it on the her tonight show appearance.

