Looking for a song

Can anyone help me? I’m looking for a link to either buy or download the song that runs during the closing credits.
It’s called ‘Satellite-the love theme for Free Enterprise’ by Lauren Christie.
Can anyone please help?



Sorry...the song was finished TOO LATE to make the soundtrack album.

Try here:



Thanks, but it didn't work.
I was hoping to find somewhere to download it.

But thanks anyway!


I have it somewhere... Where the hell is it? Sh!t...


I've looked for it ever since the movie came out. Dug around for it for some time, but no such luck. The rest of the soundtrack is fantastic, and if RM really is out there, then if FE2 ever gets off the ground, I hope the music is just as fantastic as the first go around ( oh, and the movie too ;)

Anyone finds it, let me know too. It does not appear on any of her albums.


How about the no tears for caesar song?


Good News if you own it you have it! Audio Home Recording Act!
I assume you have a computer and you own the movie. If so and you really want to listen to the song say like on an mp3 player or music cd then you can do the following(since the song is uninterrupted in its entirety, I think). This is probably old school but:

When it gets to right were the song is about to play hit pause take your red and white RCA out jacks from your source (which could easily be the TV, if not then the DVD or TiVo player) leave the yellow one alone. You will need a RCA to 3.5 mm audio converter cable $1.60 on the internet or about $3 at wally world. Connect this to the red and white output jacks on the afformentioned outputs. Connect the 3.5 mm jack to the mic input on your computer. Make sure the computer is on and I will make the assumption you have Windoze. Make sure in the volume control that microphone is not muted and under properties check the Adjust volume for recording. Also under Accessories Entertainment you can select sound recorder. Now they did not make this easy but it can be done. Select File properties in sound recorder select convert now then select CD quality under name for PCM format (Later convert this to format select MPEG Layer-3 select the highest stereo attribute). This will record at a good rate. Now the tricky part hit play on your player and record on the sound recorder at the same time. If the sound is coming out of the TV or stereo output then you will know when to stop. Save the file and then play it in media player. You can use sound recorder to convert this to MP3 MPEG-Layer 3 if you want to. I'm sure you can do this some other high tech way but this way is pretty simple and since you own the movie you can save a recording of this for your own use (in case the original gets destroyed) ;) This can be likened to hand scanning a book you own and saving it as a pdf for your own personal use not for anyone else except this will take considerably less time.

PS If you like Free Enterprise and in the namesakes spirit of the movie you should be able to accomplish this task even if I have left some details out of this. You might have to mess around with volume levels and such but no big deal.

"I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust them." Source debatable.


I have to apologize. I just tried to record something this way and it only records 60 seconds not in stereo. There are some other freeware and shareware packages that will work much better. The main theory still stands, but you will have to records multiple 60 second sound bytes and patch them together, which is a bummer and time consuming using sound recorder. Just use another software package.

"I believe in coincidences, I just don't trust them." Source debatable.


Hey, did you ever manage to get hold of that song? Cuz i have it and would gladly send it to you if you're still havin' trouble.


No I haven't. I would love for you to send it.
You can send it to remagee(at)gmail.com


I too have made exhaustive searches of the internet for any way to get a hold of "Satellite". Did you guys actually manage to get a decent good quality version? If so, would you mind if I get in on a piece of the action also?

If I were human, I believe my response would be, 'Go to hell'



If anybody wants Satellite...just e-mail me at [email protected]

I have the original file we used for the film master.
