movie emotions

I know this may seem too sensitive but whenever I see this movie, my stomach gets all floppy and I get all teary and stuff like that.I know that probably seems weird, and the movie isn't even all that emotional but it does something to me, and I'm wondering if anyone else is like that with a certain movie. If anyone is, please post.


For some reason I love this move and can watch it over and over. Each time I see it I love it all the more. I'm not usually like this about movies. It must be Sandra Bullock. Her characher seems so darn cute!



Yes the end always gets me, I think it has something to do with that song too.


You know even bad movies (not that this one is so bad) can have things that are so freekin profound!! Like when he says something about protecting the ones you love.... that really hit me cause I dont do that very well.

I agree with you guys... It makes me cry too.

Im pretty sure its the emotions of the movie but it may be that Ben Affleck is so freeking hot I just cant stand it.

In the end all you can do is commit to the people you love, hope for a little luck and some good weather.

Stacy Brumley Braswell

Criticism is prejudice made plausible.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)


I actually only saw the last 15 minutes and I cried. So I'm right there with you. :) It's just... gah. Floppy-ness to the max.

"I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me." -Sandra Bullock


i couln't agree with you more.
i cried my eyes out even after i had finished the movie
and was telling my husband about it (he refuses to watch it)

i was so filled with emotions all throughout the movie,
how ben grew in his emotional life. How he began to open his
eyes to the beauty of the world around him.

then of course the ending, when she was at her sons house.
and your saw that she had finally found her happiness, not in
men but in raising and being there for her son.

it was a great movie, i don't grow tired of watching.

i thought the chemistry between ben and sandra was wonderful.

with me i let movies take me on whatever ride they want, and
i cry, laugh, i've never been afraid to cry at a movie, it is natural
when we feel connections with movies, actors, characters.

Dream until your dreams come true;Life's a journey, not a destination.


OMG!!! I thought I was crazy for balling at the end! I was sooo mad at what happened. But I did love the movie before that. Now, when I haven't watched the movie in a while, I don't quite remember why I cried sooo much. If I were to watch it again, which I want to soon, I will just be filled with the same effect that the movie had on me again. I did love the movie and I am such a huge Sandra Bullock fan.

I just was so upset at the end because throughout the movie, Ben and Sandra made such a connection and acted greatly. The movie didn't provide really any relationship between ben's wife and ben, and so how are we to want them the be together. At the end, I also was so sad because the music plus sandra character and her son was so sad, I really don't know why. Maybe I was sad of happiness. I have made myself a little confused. Great movie though!


I think you have a great point when you said that
in the end you felt a sense of happiness for them both,
even though it was not exactly what you would have hoped
for in the end.

I feel that Sandra's great love of the moment and her
ability to give and light up the world around her,
her carefree attitude helped ben to become the kind
of husband and lover that would make for a great couple
with his wife he married. He will always hold Sandra's
heart close to his, for she helped him to see he was
happy with his life, and not to worry so much.

In the same way he helped her to settle down, to
see that sometimes you have to hold out to make
life worth living, that it is ok to live life
for all its worth, but you also have to have
faith and let others in your heart and make a life
for yourself and family.

maybe i'm not saying it right, but basicly i felt
they helped each other to make thier lives they chose
the fullest possible.

"I love famous people! They're even better than the real thing, ya know?"~baby


You said that well. They did help each other improve their own lives. But, How Sarah just left when she was hidding behind the trees was so sad, but the main point of the story line was not for Ben and Sarah to hook up, but the help each other and to prove you should stick with who you love.


So True.
you sound so much like me, your emotions get in the way
sometimes of what happens in the final result, and we
wind up feeling a sense of loss or imcompletness.
i think that is why i try so hard to see why it ended
the way it did.
Sarah needed to be a mother at this time in her life. She had lived
and done all the things in her years that Ben never was able to do,
she was ready to devote herself as a mother now.
Ben, well he is finally ready to realize that love is a journey
of chance and pitfalls and pots of gold. He is ready to commit and
give of himself for the chance at deep committed love.

"I love famous people! They're even better than the real thing, ya know?"~baby
