MovieChat Forums > Central do Brasil (1998) Discussion > Bus Driver and her 'friend'

Bus Driver and her 'friend'

Did anyone else think the bus driver's reaction to Dora's advances was extreme?

Also, did anyone else think she might possibly be a lesbian with that friend of hers? Those scenes at the beginning of the movie with those suggestive looks between each other made me think that. Especially when the boy questioned why neither of them had a husband.


I did not think the truck driver`s reaction was extreme. I was pretty sure he would bolt as soon as Dora went to the rest room.

And yes, I thought their was a possible lesbian relationship there, but after they embarked on their trip, there was no further hints of that.


I thought that his reaction was a bit exteme, but then she was coming on really strong. And I thought that he might be gay, especialy after his reaction when josue said that everyone in rio has sex before marriage.


I never found his reaction indicative of being gay. He was a Christian fundamentalist, so after being told that in Rio de Janeiro everybody had sex outside marriage, and then Dora coming on strong, then his only alternative, as a Christian fundamentalist, was to get away.


Yeah, he said the reason for him not drinking was that he was an Evangelist and that explains him being a little up tight about sex before marriage. When he returns from the toilet he takes the drink, perhaps as a what the hell or for dutch courage, but when the woman hits on him a little strong I think what the boy said to him in the toilet came back to ahead in his mind and thus he bolts out of shear panic - flight or fight response isn't it, and not knowing how to deal with the situation he chooses the only option he has.

It's just total character development in just a couple of scenes. Sheer brilliance this film!


I agree. It was quite a normal reaction, for a Christian fundamentalist. His previous conversations suggested that he took his religion very seriously. Moreover, Dora was not an attractive woman, at all.


I think Dora was attractive enough to him for her to be a temptation that he as a born-again Christian would want desperately to escape from. As a born-again, he would have feared that she would lead him astray, not only sexually but also into alcohol and stuff like that. Or possibly, he was so used to being alone that he in the end couldn't handle the prospect of getting serious with anyone.
